What a year it’s been! I know for me, 2017 has been a vast improvement on 2016. My wish for you is that you too can say the same. I know you’re about to land yourself in a few days of downtime (thank you to the special season)...
Read moreJust Why Has Your Libido Gone AWOL? (and how you can get it back)
Feel like you lost your libido sometime between now and cramming for exams back in 2003 and you’re still wondering when it will make its comeback? It’s common, and if you don’t get to the reason why it’s gone AWOL, the...
Read moreWhat Does Your Contraception Say About You? Episode 4
Is your contraception a choice or a treatment for a more serious issue? Many women don’t choose to take birth control – they are told it is the only option to treat serious health issues including endometriosis, PCOS and other...
Read moreIntermittent Fasting – What It Really Does To Your Hormones.
So you know, I’ve been fasting. Truthfully you may not actually know but I did post a picture on my socials sharing of how I had been intermittent fasting for the past eight weeks and I can safely say my body is loving me crazy for it...
Read moreOne Easy Solution To Balanced Hormones (plus a real fix to your stretch marks…)
(spon) It’s fair to say, there can be many contributing factors to your hormone problems. Perhaps you have a diagnosed issue like Poly Cystic Ovarianne Syndrome (PCOS) or Endometriosis, or maybe you suffer from Pre Menstrual Tension (PMS) or...
Read moreThe One Thing Robbing You Of Happy Balanced Hormones
Find yourself each and every month wading through a battle of fluid retention, tender breasts, a mood that matches your 94 year old grandpa (on a good day) and a feeling of of hefty overwhelm? I’ve got some clues! It’s time to unlock...
Read moreAcne – does it ever go away?
Sista, I feel your pain when it comes acne. Been there, done that and from time to time, still got that – acne. (sigh) You feeling me? As part of this months LIVE membership Q/A I dived real deep into the dark and gloomy depths of...
Read moreWhat To Do – Should I Take The Morning After Pill?
I’m frequently asked what the alternatives are to the Morning After Pill (MAP). It’s a good question and in the spirit of World Contraception Day (Sept 26th), I feel its rather timely. The MAP is heavily relied on as an emergency form of...
Read moreWhat To Do – Should I Take The Morning After Pill?
I’m frequently asked what the alternatives are to the Morning After Pill (MAP). It’s a good question and in the spirit of World Contraception Day (Sept 26th), I feel its rather timely. The MAP is heavily relied on as an emergency form of...
Read more5 things at the core of your PCOS.
The question on around 5 million women’s lips (or so it’s estimated) – Why do I find myself not only with my very own ‘brand name’ aka Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) but with a loot of symptoms that follow me around like really bad body...
Read more5 things at the core of your PCOS.
The question on around 5 million women’s lips (or so it’s estimated) – Why do I find myself not only with my very own ‘brand name’ aka Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) but with a loot of symptoms that follow me...
Read moreDoes The Pill Protect Your Bones?
Every month, I host a LIVE Q/A in our very special membership area. A place for people like you to land and explore your health, safely. This month we dug into the Ovarian – Adrenal – Thyroid Axis (OAT axis). Aka the relationship between a few...
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