Could we have finally found the missing link when it comes to hormone imbalance? You know the symptoms – weight again, bloating, anxiety, insomnia, depression, missing periods, PMS, acne… oh the list! It keeps on going and then...
Read moreThe MTHFR factor – is it running your health rampant?
MTHFR. Sounds like a prolific acronym and for those who are told they have issues with MTHFR, they probably feel like using those 5 letters it in the same vein. MTHFR stands for methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase. Basically MTHFR is an enzyme...
Read moreEpisode 2 – Time to Stop Blaming your Genes?
Our second episode of the Radio Show is now LIVE! We are fist-pumping-the-air excited to bring you this as we continue to explore various ideas of health and making your life sweeter than pie. In this episode, we nut out the truth about your...
Read moreIs stress standing between you and your pain free period?
Just this week we did a live chat on Facebook. If you missed it, don’t pop a blood vessel, I promise there will be many, many more. It reinforced for me that it’s so important for me to keep on banging my drum of sharing health...
Read moreBack-acne. The why and the how to fix.
Let’s face it, any type of acne or skin eruptions is super frustrating. Back-acne, especially as an adult, is a challenge, mostly because it’s one of those things you look forward to saying goodbye to as you move into your...
Read moreAre too many open mind tabs suppressing your health?
ARGH my head! Quite honestly, it’s a mind-field in there. Oh hey you say “me too!” Good to hear, I’m not alone. As school holidays are in full pelt here in Victoria, I feel as though the mind tabs continue open, yet...
Read more6 sweet things to make your house more hormone friendly
Always dedicated to helping women means I’m often awake to the wee hours, thinking about what you might like to know. Much of what I teach is second nature to me – but the more I’m out there sharing, the more I know it’s...
Read moreHow texting may be ruining your hormones
Recently, I was part of a discussion around the idea that texting was possibly messing around with our hormones. I’m not surprised by much these days, when it comes to how our amazing bodies have to adapt to overcome challenges and the...
Read moreHow to shape up (or ship out) your cortisol for better hormone balance
I recently posted over on Instagram that I was calling in the troops to help better manage my cortisol levels, since it’s something I feel the need to constantly reassess. Some of you asked if I would share my tips and since I’m a...
Read moreIs your oestrogen to blame for your headaches?
No word of a lie, two migraines in four days had my mind in a spin. Actually, four days out of action gave me so much time for contemplation and analysis – for me, not something I’m necessarily used to having. First up I have to say...
Read more2015 Recap- My top 6 Posts that you LOVED!
WOWEE! What a year it has been here in NK-Land. Thank you to you guys for the constant support. Without you I wouldn’t be so inspired to continue to teach the masses on all that is women’s health and fertility. Incase you missed...
Read moreThe big symptom cover up – why you’re being fooled.
I’ve a new found love for gardening and I’m fist pumping the air when I tell you, I’m actually winning at life with my green thumb skills (not to be mistaken for ‘green hand’ as I told my mum… seems we only...
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