Image via pintrest. It can be a confusing world out there. So many different supplements, so many reasons to take them. Then, we’re told maybe they are a scam, they are ineffective and a waste of your good, hard-earned dollars. Yes...
Read moreFix Your Hormones with Seed Cycling & Yo’Nuts
You’ve heard me go on a bit about seed cycling before. In fact, nothing has changed since that original post back in 2013 besides the fact that (drumroll please)……… we now have our very own Seed Cycling product to make...
Read moreHealthy Hormone Series – Progesterone (your secret metabolism boosting weapon)
It’s been a few weeks in-between the Healthy Hormone Series (because we’ve been preoccupied launching tours and giveaways and getting ourselves Christmas READY!!) – but I’m back today with another hormone to add to your...
Read moreThe Period Party – Episode #65 (how did we miss it!)
OH my! How did we miss THIS? I seemed to jump ahead of myself and skipped episode #65! It’s not one to be missed, so without keeping you any longer, it’s all of the wonderful Dr Maria Snyder! We’re talking Hormone and Period...
Read moreMeet My New Product! Yo’Nuts are a GO!
The day is finally here – after many months in the making, my new product Yo’Nuts have arrived! I couldn’t be more excited. Sometimes life throws you lemons and with those lemons, you’ve got to make lemonade!...
Read moreHealthy Hormone Series – Oestrogen explained
The most female of all hormones, oestrogen often gets a bad wrap because for many women, let’s just say, the struggle is real. When oestrogen is out of balance, life can be tough. Here’s why. Whilst oestrogen is predominantly made in...
Read moreThe Healthy Hormone Series – Serotonin
Oh Serotonin. It’s the happy brain chemical that helps us to feel good! As if you don’t want to be served up a slice, stat. Serotonin is thought to be a neurotransmitter that got its name from it’s ability to affect the serum...
Read moreThe Healthy Hormone Series – Melatonin & how it helps prevent cancer.
You might have heard melatonin come up in conversations around sleep. It’s a key player in helping us relax in order to sleep the night away. And because of this reason, it is also responsible for regulating our body clock. Makes sense...
Read moreThe Healthy Hormone Series – Cortisol. Is it standing between you and your excess weight?
Last week we explored DHEA, the hormone that helps keep cortisol in check among other things. If you didn’t get a chance to read it you can catch up here. Cortisol is a hormone you may have heard swung around the traps as if it were the...
Read moreThe Healthy Hormone Series – DHEA and why it may help your acne & tame your anxiety
I’m so into helping you understand yourself better – I’m running a special series on Hormones. Each week we will specifically talk about one of your main hormones, what it does and why you need it to be happy. It’s all...
Read moreIf food is medicine, do I really need to supplement?
A question on many lips – are supplements the real deal? If you had have asked me this question a few years ago, I would have said no, not really. I don’t love the idea. In an ideal world, we can get all the nutrients we require...
Read moreEpisode 3 – The New Form of Old Contraception
The third episode of the Wellness Collective Podcast is now LIVE! Talk about HOT topic. In this we keep digging for YOU to explore various ideas of health and hormones to really help you give hormone imbalance its marching orders. We look at...
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