A lot of women are worried about gaining weight on hormonal birth control but not’s where the issues stop when it comes to how it impacts our bodies and our weight. Nutrition coach, Laurie King, is here to talk about this topic and more!
Read moreEpisode 70 – Improving Future Fertility with Lucy Lines
Fertility rates have been decreasing and embryologist and fertility educator Lucy Lines knows all too well the trials and tribulations of fertility and assisted conception. From her years in the lab to now helping couples choose the best approach...
Read morePP Episode #153 – Change Leadership in Maternal Healthcare with Amber Price
With a shocking number of women learning about childbirth from reality television, it’s more important than ever to educate them on their rights as a patient and the childbirth options available to them. Practicing nurse-midwife, Dr. Amber...
Read moreEpisode 69 – Matrescence – the transition to motherhood nobody is talking about
Matrescence is the hip new term given to the permanent life changes we experience as we move into motherhood and beyond. According to Amy Taylor Kabbaz, this is the time as women, our identity literally gets split in two as we evolve. For many...
Read morePP Episode #152 – Bio-identical Hormones Versus Traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy with Candace Burch
For decades, women have been utilizing traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to correct a hormonal imbalance without realizing it could cause even worse side effects than the imbalance it helps correct. Take a listen as Candace Burch...
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