With all the recent hype highlighting just how dangerous the pill can be, I wanted to repost this oldie (but goodie) for all to read – get informed and make educated decisions!
The oral contraceptive pill (OCP) is the most used pharmaceutical, world wide. Most women have taken it at some stage during their life, Many young women are being prescribed the pill to ‘sort out’ a wide variety of health issues including acne, endometreosis and poly cystic ovarian syndrome. The truth is, the pill isn’t the solution to these problems. It acts as a band aid to ‘cover up’ the true issue and whilst some women think they are ok taking it, it isn’t until the stop they realise just how awful they felt whist they were on it.
The pill interferes with fertility – because it is designed to do so. This isn’t a side effect, it is it’s main reason for existing – to stop you from falling pregnant.
I’ve been wanting to write about the pill for a long time now. My reservations were not in giving my opinion but more in the realisation that it is such a multifaceted issue. I wanted to write about the pill to explain and educate – providing enough information for women to make their own conclusion. As a practitioner I certainly don’t judge women who take the pill, however I do like to make them aware just how many of their complaints may be easily alleviated without taking the pill. To do this accurately I’ve decided to write a series of posts to ensure that I can deliver all the information I can.
The number one problem with the pill is that when it is prescribed very little information about what the pill does is ever given to a patient. I will never forget asking around my mothers group as to who wasn’t on the mini pill. I was totally shocked to find out that I was the only woman there not taking it. When I asked why they were taking it – most of them could only say they did it because their doctor told them they needed to. I understand just as much as the next person that falling pregnant again soon after having a child is more than likely on the bottom of the to do list – in fact for most it’s on top of the DO NOT list. But understanding when you are fertile and when you are not would be far more useful than handing a woman a pill packet, as if the buck stopped there and she didn’t have to worry about it any longer. Was there any mention of mood swings, constant spotting or bleeding and just not feeling quite right? And would most women simply put this down to normal postpartum happenings, especially if it was their first time? For a breast feeding woman hormones taken in via the pill will be passed onto the child via the breast milk – contributing to a host of issues including behavioural problems, increased allergies, diabetes and learning issues.
When I talk about the pill, I refer to all synthetic hormone contraceptives including the mini pill, the combined pill, implants such as mirena (TM), Inter Uterine Devices (IUD’s), vaginal rings, and patches. When the pill was initially introduced manufacturers told women and practitioners it was safe. They soon realised it was far from the truth and the source of a long list of nasty side effects, including deaths from blood clotting, strokes, amputations and permanent damage. What was done about it? Warnings were put on the packaging and doses were altered. However, the current generation oral contraceptive pills still come with the same warnings and have considerable side effects as well as cause substantial nutritional imbalances which lead to a host of other issues (and when I say host – I mean a MASSIVE list).
Fact: Women who take the pill are nearly ten times the risk of dying from pulmonary embolism (a blood clot reaching the heart) than those who aren’t taking it. [1]
After post pill infertility and migraines, the most common complaint I see in the clinic is low libido of women taking the pill. Scientists have discovered that the chemicals produced in the body as a result of the pill to stop ovulation continue to suppress testosterone levels – central to sexual desire in both men and women. This can continue for up to four years once a woman stops taking it. I find this quite ironic because in theory, you can’t get pregnant whilst on the pill – but if you don’t want sex whilst on the pill, then you can’t get pregnant anyway! Don’t think it stops there – lets add to that mood swings, weight gain, brittle bones and migraines. These are just four more of the most commonly seen side effects of the pill. Time and time again I hear women report (especially those who haven’t been on the pill but need to take it as part of IVF treatment) how they feel ‘psycho’ on the pill, as if they could murder somebody or cry for no reason. This is what incorrect levels of hormones do! If they are doing that to our moods, think about what that is doing to our insides. The fact remains that the hormones in the pill aim to mimic hormones in your body however they are not identical to your natural hormones. This is also because a normal dose of the pill is four times the amount of oestrogen normally present in the body. Pills are a “one size fits all”, however if no two bodies are the same, it be comes easy to recognise why so many women experience negative side effects.
Because the pill is toxic, it directly affects the liver. The liver in Chinese medicine is responsible for moving energy around the body (in the form of blood and nutrients). The pill very often stagnates this energy meaning that the body isn’t nourished adequately. This is why so many women experience migraines, headaches and even weight whilst taking the OCP. It affects the normal rhythm of the body. Migraines are found to be 40% more common amongst pill users than those who don’t take it. For women who are already having migraines, taking the pill can seriously exacerbate these problems. Often GP’s will try various pills to see if that makes a difference to the patient. Fact remains they are all a variation of the next and in most instances the headaches remain. It’s can be a dangerous combination – the increased oestrogen in the body of migraine sufferers isn’t a good thing. [2]
The most outstanding piece of information I have ever read about the pill is how it alters our attraction to the opposite sex. A recent study found that women on the pill see the world more platonically. They were shown images of naked women and men. Those on the pill reported a much more neutral view as opposed to those who didn’t take the pill who were easily able to imagine sexual scenes from viewing the pictures. It was also noted that those who were on the pill were far less charmed at seeing pictures of babies – hinting that the pill’s influence on reproductive interest. [3]
And here is the best bit. Certain volatile fatty acids – named ‘couplins’ (not kidding, that is truly the real name) are secreted in the vagina and stimulate male sexual interest and behaviour. Women on the pill do not secrete couplins . I’m sure there are dozens more of these little impacts the pill has on our bodies that we aren’t aware of – and again, this is the reason why many women feel so different when coming off the pill. 3. Of the most importance of those taking the pill is its effectiveness and it’s ability to prevent pregnancy. But the thing is – it isn’t all it is cracked up to be. In America alone some 6 million pregnancies occur in woman taking the pill. This isn’t necessarily because they weren’t taking it correctly. So many factors affect its ability to work. An Australian study of women ages eighteen to 39 on the pill who weighed 70 kilos or more found that they were 60 percent more likely to have their pill fail than women who weighed less. The average women in Australia weighs 66.6 kilos. Professor Dr Victoria Holt says because women who weigh more have a higher metabolic rate, they need higher levels of hormones to prevent pregnancy – demonstrating again, it isn’t a one size fits all kinda situation. It’s also thought that because the pill is toxic and our bodies trap toxins in our fat stores, the pill may also be less effective in overweight women as it isn’t where it needs to be to work – in the blood stream. [4]
Knowing your body and reading it’s signs is the absolute best way of knowing when you are fertile and when you aren’t. If you aren’t able to distinguish ovulation signs or you don’t have a regular cycle, it’s sure time you found out why. Seeking out a Natural Fertility Specialist is your next point of call. What’s more if you have stopped taking the pill in preparation to have a baby, a minimum of 6 months is essential to have the body back on track. You are vulnerable to a host of issues as the pill alters how your body metabolises nutrients, robbing it of essential vitamins and minerals. If pregnancy occurs immediately after stopping the pill it is detrimental to ensure you are on the best quality multi vitamin and fish oil money can buy. Zinc is one of the major essentials severely drawn out via the pill. Guess what happens to a zinc deficient woman? They have less elastic skin, they have perineums that don’t stretch but tear in labour, have cracked nipples and prolonged labours. Zinc is essential to maintain good copper/zinc ratio in the body – vital, since high levels of copper have been linked to depression. Zinc deficient babies (as passed on by the mother) are more jittery and more likely to cry a lot. It certainly isn’t a winning combo – a Zinc deficient, depressed breast feeding mother coupled with a zinc deficient upset baby. Simply taking a multi vitamin alone may not be the saving grace – it will certainly help but if you have come off the pill and things aren’t feeling right or going back to ‘normal’ (with your menstrual cycle) seek help as soon as possible – it can be easily treated with natural methods including Chinese medicine (being one of the best and most effective forms). [5]
I want to go on specifically to talk about several related topics over the next month to include:
~ How the pill affects fertility & pregnancy (including birth defects and child hood illness)
~ PCOS and Endometriosis – the alternatives and why they are 100000 better!
~ If not the pill, then what? Understanding ovulation and fertile times.
Be encouraged to ask questions. Please do not misunderstand that there are some instances that the pill has provided an excellent short term treatment to women. Fact remains however that for most, it isn’t a long term solution without nasty side effects – and so educating women to make decisions based on what their body is reporting to them provides a much more empowering experience than any little pill packet can ever deliver.
Hormones affect how we think and feel and how we think and feel affects our hormones. [6]
1. Bennett, J & Pope, A. ‘ The Pill ‘. Alex and Irwin. 2008.
2. Karen Aegidius et al., ‘Oral contraceptives and increased headache prevalence’, Neurology, 66: 349-53. 2006
3. Michael Richard et al., ‘Volatile fatty acids, “couplins”, in human vaginal secretions’ , Psychoneuroendocrinology, 1:153 – 63.
4. A Hobson and R. Grumman, ‘Contraception secrets your doctor hasn’t told you’, Cosmopolitan , december 2003.
5. ‘Women, contraception and unplanned pregnancy’, study commissioned by Marie Stopes International, January 2008
6. Bennett, J & Pope, A. ‘ The Pill ‘. Alex and Irwin. 2008.
Image of ‘Girl Reading’ by lmaekelley
Hi Nat,
Thanks for this article and for all the information you share so freely and generously on this site. I attended one of your ‘Debunking Ovulation’ sessions in Sydney late last year after having been diagnosed with PCOS earlier in 2013, and I really loved the simplicity and earthiness of your philosophy about cultivating a fertile body/spirit/life.
In relation to this article, however, I just wanted to put forward that for some of us – or for me, anyway – the pill is actually offering a much-needed break from the havoc PCOS has wreaked on my body. Ideally, I would love to be medication-free and that is my intention in the long run, but a year of steadily worsening acne, weight gain, depression, hair loss and erratic periods has meant that the pill – if only temporarily – is easing those physical burdens and buying me some time to clear my head while I figure out my next step. And strangely enough, after having absolutely no libido whatsoever for 12 months (which was pretty upsetting at just 24!) I’m starting to feel twinges of things I worried might be lost forever… so who knows? Maybe there is more to the pill than meets the eye, and I thought I might put that out there for anyone else who got a bit panic-y reading this. Would love to hear your thoughts, and thanks again – and happy 2014!
Hi Nat,
I have loved reading every single word on your amazing blog since i first stumbled apon it and i want to thank you for guiding me through coming off the pill, ‘getting fertile’ and now…getting pregnant! Yikes! Can you recommend a great website to get me through the next 9 months (or seven now actually)? There is so much conflicting information out there it is completely overwhelming. I would love to pop in daily to a website just like yours and get my hit of helpful info that i can trust and understand!
Thanks a million, i wish i had of found you years ago! (Ive done it all, acne medication/antibiotics, roaccutane, the pill, migraines)! xx
Dear Nat,
This is such great information and I freely express it to my friends when the topic raises its head. I came off the pill early last year, I had been on it from age 14 to 27.
Each and every month, post-pill I suffered agonising migraines, which would last up to a week long. I couldn’t lift my head or see straight, looking back now they were like out of body experiences. Each visit to my doctor, she would prescribe me with some more Maxalt and send me on my way “See you next month!”. Saying that my only relief would come, once I fell pregnant.
Last month I came down with what I thought was food poisoning. Four days later, my husband took me to the emergency department as I hadn’t kept any food or fluids down in that time. I was treated for dehydration, hypoglycaemia, hyperkalemia and hypotension. I spent the day in emergency and at 9:30pm I was transported by ambulance to a larger hospitals emergency department. I was admitted overnight and in the morning I was diagnosed with and began treatment for Hypothyroidism and Addison’s Disease (a rare endocrine disorder). I spent 5 days in the hospital and very nearly died. My husband was praised by doctors and nurses for saving my life and he hasn’t let me forget it! 🙂
The reason I went on the pill when I was 14 was to help with the migraines and heavy menstruation. The pill has been masking all these symptoms for 13 years! I can’t believe what an internal struggle my body was going through, if only I’d known earlier the damage the pill was doing to my hormones (and libido)!
Thank you Nat for sharing your wisdom, Emma
Your article is inspirational and I would live to find an amazing alternative to Yaz. But like Elle I have found temporary comfort in the pill. I suffer from PCOS and let me tell you there isn’t anything that gives you mood swings, depression and loss of libido like a face full of painfully acne. I’m horrified at the thought of going through that again, but havn’t lost hope at an alternative treatment as I’m getting married this year and will have to go off the pill soon after to have a family. Bit nervous actually. Do you recommend any specialists in Brisbane I could see to help my PCOS symptoms when I come off the pill? Thanks
Hi Nat, thanks for all your great articles on natural fertility and coming off the pill. I have attempted to come off the pill twice in the last 5 years. Both times I broke out in acne badly and did not have a period. All the doctor could recommend was antibiotic cream, which just dried my skin out and did not help at all.I was so upset about my skin I went back on the pill.
I want to try for children next year but am terrified at what might happen when I come
off and that I may not be able to conceive naturally. Can you recommend what preparation I should do pre and post coming off the pill?
Hi Nat,
I found your article interesting and thought-provoking. One thing I did notice is that one of your sources is “Cosmopolitan” magazine. This is not the same as a peer reviewed scientific article and definitely hurts your credibility.
I definitely agree that there should be different treatment for PCOS, and I think it is made harder by the fact that “women’s problems” may not be taken all that seriously by GPs, I’m hesitant to completely turn away from the Pill.
I’m shocked at how misleading, unscientific and hyperbolic this website is. The article is filled with wild assertions that aren’t backed up by evidence. I’m glad to see that in the comments some people have raised the fact that their experiences are at odds with what you describe. I can’t believe people pay $70 a session to hear this.
There is so much that’s wrong with this article, but I thought I’d just highlight two points:
1, The claim about copulins is simply a lie. The study did show women on the pill produced copulins, just not at the same levels. Also, you conveniently left off the fact that it was published in 1975. The pill’s changed a bit in 40 years. And it’s a study of only 47 women, 15 of whom were taking the pill – but I guess the small sample size is fine when you’re making up the results anyway.
2. ‘In America alone some 6 million pregnancies occur in woman taking the pill.’ Is that in the past year, the past decade, ever…? Where did you get this ‘fact’ from?
Thanks for taking the time to comment Angela. I encourage you to do more research in this area. There’s much more out there than what’s in this blog post. There’s a fair bit around now – certainly you don’t need to take my word for it. Nothing has been conveniently left out, there’s so much evidence of the damage the pill is causing if I were to include it all we’d be brain fried. However if you believe it’s the right choice for you and your health you’re completely entitled to that. Nat x
Hi Nat,
I’ve just found your website and I think its great that you are educating women on the pill as I agree in that so many women go on the pill without truly understanding and the MAJORITY of Doctors are doing such a poor job in educating women before they prescribe it. However, myself, having done the research myself as to what is in the pill & trying a range of contraceptives before settling on the mini pill, think that you need to talk a lot more about alternative options & education.
We might clash a bit here, but in fact I think that the pill needs to be way more accessible & affordable as currently there are way to many pregnancies & abortions, especially within younger women & women from a low socio-economic background. Women need to take a lot more responsibility for their bodies! In an ideal world, the pill won’t need to be more accessible as women will simply respect themselves a lot more & there will be less casual sex (it really disgusts me how society & the media encourage men & women to have so much emphasis on sex in our lives, not for intimacy but to fill a void). But the sad reality is that this is not the case & that too many people aren’t informed & don’t have access to contraception and this affects the life of a child, society, the government & the health system. Just my two cents but this is an interesting read and I think it is great you are going out there to educate women more because I learnt none of this at school or through my prescribing GP and all of it online! 🙂
I tried the pill, but it did more harm than good. It made me moodier, gave me ovarian cysts, and a plethora of other great things haha.
A pulmonary embolism is actually a blood clot in the lung.
I find it hard to take any medical advice you give seriously if you don’t actually know what advice your giving.
Also, “detrimental” to be on a good multi/ fish oil? So don’t do this is what you’re saying?
As someone who exercises, takes supplements, maintains a healthy diet and practices self care, I still suffer from endometriosis. There is no one solution or a list of guidelines that will work for everyone. Please don’t discredit birth control entirely for women who suffer from so many reproductive issues. Many of us know it’s a bandaid for now, but if it provides relief until the next step then that’s what works for people. The pill has been an amazing public health advancement for women everywhere, so do not discredit that as it provides relief and prevention of unwanted pregnancies. I hate seeing articles like this because they scare women into thinking the worst. Yes there are side effects, many that I have felt, but sometimes it’s a matter of choosing to be in insurmountable pain or dealing with side effects. Also if you cite sources, please make sure they are credible (Cosmopolitan is not if you didn’t know that).
Hi there, this is a very old post and we’ve written more with much more credible sources. Whilst we now know Endo is a genetic condition, it is treatable and I will stand by this. Of course we are all different, but we are all the same in the sense that we are like petri dishes and a science experiment. We can influence our body based on the environment we put it in (emotions, diet, lifestyle, stress, etc) and indeed this will differ for everybody but there is always more that we can do. I say to patients when they are ticking ALL the boxes, the last to address is emotional stress which is by far the hardest but can certainly be at the root of Endo. I think you’d enjoy some newer articles I’ve shared. Thanks for commenting.
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