As an advocate for women’s health, who isn’t shy to scream it from the roof tops, it’s probably not shocking for you to see my get my knickers in a knot over the Essure story that broke yesterday. But that’s not...
Read moreStep by step guide to stopping the contraceptive pill.
I get it. You’ve sat with the idea for what seems like ages, waiting for the ‘right time’ to stop taking the pill. Something in the pit of your stomach has told you since forever that it isn’t for you yet you...
Read moreClaire Baker : The Contraceptive Pill – Why I Took It For 10 Years & Why I Never Will Again
Claire hardly needs an intro – this beauty has featured on my site many times before and is a woman after my own heart. She’s got a powerful message to share, and today, on a topic we all know I’m totally into. Claire talks...
Read moreBecause apparently, you ‘have’ to be on the pill.
Some days I find it easier to write than others. Today is one of those days ‘special’ days where I’ve been experiencing verbal diarrhoea – you know, those days where you just can’t string a sentence together to save...
Read moreWhen kindness hits your inbox – every woman needs to read this guest post by Alice Nichols
I get lots of requests for guest posts but this one warmed my heart and made me cry at the same time. So many women innately know their current treatment methods aren’t serving them, yet they don’t have the knowledge or education to...
Read moreWellness Women Wednesday: Eli Censor
What a dynamo this woman is! I’m delighted to introduce to you today Eli Censor. I’ve actually known Eli for years – and watching this woman thrive has been such a delight. As the owner of some very prominent Melbourne...
Read moreWhy the pill can’t protect you from cancer
I’m going to blow one big fat myth out of the water today. We’re currently being told that the pill will prevent us from getting caner. Here’s a word I’m not normally likely to use here or anywhere really but it will...
Read moreWellness Women Wednesday: Claire Obeid
Meet the beauty that is Claire Obeid. Claire is the founder of The Wellness Project, a coach, writer and truth speaker. You’ll quickly learn that Claire is one cleverly in tune with herself kinda gal – which I ‘oh so...
Read more3 things you maybe never knew about PCOS
With my Debunking Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome tour set to start in just a few short weeks, I’ve been digging into my bag of tricks to really be able to offer women some juicy solutions. In preparation for live events, I’ve had a lot...
Read moreHow to remove traces of the pill and antibiotics from your water.
I know this much. We need to be drinking filtered water. And I know a little more. We need to drink filtered water because some of the crapola stuff in our water is hurting our hormones far more than a swift kick to the shins (ouch!) and...
Read moreThe Pill – is it for you?
With all the recent hype highlighting just how dangerous the pill can be, I wanted to repost this oldie (but goodie) for all to read – get informed and make educated decisions! The oral contraceptive pill (OCP) is the most used...
Read moreWhy the pill is causing long term damage & how to come off and not fall pregnant
Yet again today, I received another email telling me of one womans torturous journey on the pill. The solution from her medical professional – stay on the pill because there is no solution and because apparently, that’s perfectly...
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