If there is just one superfood you need on your menu to balance those cray cray hormones, it’s maca. Maca is from peru and it looks a bit like a potato, but it does a whole lot more good for your insides and best of all, it balances your hormones. Maca deliveries a big kick of energy to your system and is one food you should be including in your wellness regime. I’ve underlined all the benefits today because there are just so many for you to see! And I haven’t included them all here otherwise the post would go on forever. But know this much – maca may change your life.
It gets the title of a superfood because it delivers on the nutrition front. It’s totally full of vitamins and minerals as well as enzymes and amino acids which is why it makes a swell effort in getting your hormones happy. It’s full of B vitamins (those are the energy vitamins) – vitamin B-12 being particularly good for the vegetarians amongst us. It is also a great source of bioavailable calcium and magnesium – magnesium being one of my favourite all round period fixers as well as iron, potassium and vitamin C.
Maca stimulates and benefits the hypothalamus and pituitary glands – two very important master controllers when it comes to regulating hormones. Both the hypothalamus and pituitary glands send signals in your body to control other glands that signal the adrenals, the thyroid, pancreas and sex hormones in both men and women. And because we’re living in an oestrogen dominant time (see more about that here), everybody could do with some hormone lovin’ by way of rebalancing their hormones. This means maca will influence things like growth, sexual maturity, moods (ie depression or post natal depression or anxiety), hormone regulation, PMS, amenorrhea and other menstrual irregularities like period or ovulation pain. And lets not forget, hormones are responsible for all body functions so it makes sense to fuel our bodes to support our hormones. We’ve also recently discussed how hormones play a role in cancer too.
Maca is an adaptan, which basically means it ‘adapts’ or adjusts your body depending on it’s individual requirements. So instead of being a hit of hormone so to speak, it gets your own body to do the work. Basically maca helps your body create the hormones it needs. Oh and it’s great for your skin! For those coming off the pill and having issues with acne, this is one you want to get stuck into.
And for my making baby friends out there – Maca enhances fertility of course! All because it influences hormones. It’s great to influence libido. I find it most useful for headaches in the pre menstrual phase as well as for menopausal issues.
But start slowly. When you begin to add Maca to your diet, slowly work your way up. Too much too soon can have you bouncing off the walls since it boosts energy and can swiftly kick the hormones into gear leaving you feeling the effects.
Ordinarily I add maca to my smoothies although in winter I sprinkle it over yoghurt, you can also get it in tablet form. I’m a lover of loving earth’s maca powder. We stock it in the clinic.
See why I have a love affair with maca? Do you use maca? I’m keen to hear of some of the interesting ways people use it.
AND don’t forget this mother of all ebook bundles – seriously huge and something for absolutely everybody! Natural home living, natural parenting, natural fertility, natural pregnancy – it’s all things wellness… naturally! Get all the info here – it’s just $29.97 for 35 ebooks!!
Thanks Nat! I have been wondering about maca for ages now so this really excites me! How do i use it though besides in smoothies? or is that the best way? x
check out my recipe tomorrow!
HI Nat, so sorry to bother you…do you know if you can use Maca whilst breastfeeding?? I know you can’t whilst pregnant and wondering as it is so wonderful on your hormones whether it would be advisable to wait till I have finished?? IIt’s jsut that I have an unopened beautiful maca jar that’s about to expire but best I give it away I guess to be safe?? If you have any knowledge on this ( as you do everything else!!!) then would be greatly appreciated xoxB
I have used it very safely – I’d use about 1/2 tsp.
thank you so so much
What about taking it in a tablet form whilst breastfeeding?
I think it can be great – you may want to check with your health care provider.
Hi Nat, I’m a lover of Maca too and have been adding it to my green smoothies for months. I find it complements cacao based smoothies particularly well with it’s malty taste. YUM! I just found out that I am pregnant though and have stopped using it as I’ve heard that it’s not safe to consume during pregnancy. Can you confirm if this is the case? Thanks 🙂
it is a case by case thing – I use it for many women with hormone imbalance.
I bought some Maca last week and it literally arrived today so I am very excited to read this article.
In the last 12 months I’ve become hooked on running in a big way so anything that boosts energy levels is great.
I’m also really interested to see if it will have any impact on my cycle, which is currently running way too long (51 days!). Will report back on any changes.
Are you not supposed to take Maca while pregnant?
It really depends on the situation – very much a case by case thing. For most it is really fine.
Hi Nat, how much should we start with per day? I want to add it to my smoothies but not sure how much to use….
1/2 tsp is a great start. You can work your way up to 1tsp.
Thanks for this helpful post! Do you have a recommendation for a company to will ship to the United States?’
Hi Nat, I am currently on thyroid medication and wondered if Maca would also help or would it interfere with the medication? If so, how much would you recommend? Thanks in advance xo
I’m interested in knowing also…Nat does macs interfere with thyroid medication ?
Hi Nat. I’ve been having 1 tsp of Maca in my smoothies most days for quite a few months now. Should I increase this amount? Is it a case of ‘the more the better’? I have recently come off the pill for the first time in 18 years and am permanently on oral antibiotics for adult acne so would love to sort out my hormones! Thank you 🙂
Maca helped regulate my cycle. I’ve had two occasions when my pill-free cycle was 1-2 months late/skipped (altered diet/lifestyle on international travels). 1 tsp of maca powder and my period came within 2 days both times.
I’ve just bought some and am going to start taking it tomorrow. After finally getting AF back after breastfeeding for the first time in my life I have been getting ovulation pain! So weird. Hopefully this can help.
My mum warned me though that both her and my aunty tried it to help balance hormones and reduce PMS and period pain with the horrible side effect of WICKED heavy periods. So we will see how it goes 🙂 Fingers crossed.
It shouldn’t do that – but keep me posted
Just thought I would let you know how it went after just over a month on Maca.
No PMS. No ovulation pain. Stabilised moods. No anxiety. Increased energy. Much better libido. And what happened to my mum and aunty did not happen to me.
All I can say is this stuff is AMAZING!
Hi Nat, What about pregnancy, early stages? Is it ok to take? I thinking of recommending it to a friend with recurrent miscarriage, to help boost progesterone levels?
because it is an adaptan is should be fine – that said, I’d need to see somebody to provide solid advice.
I have been adding 1/2 a tsp to my morning porridge. Just when the oats are about ready to serve I will add the maca and mix it around. I’m not a huge fan of the taste but when you add cinnamon, shredded coconut, goji berries and fresh fruit (which I love to do) you wouldn’t even know it is in there! My periods are now regular after having several long ones. Now just hoping to fall pregnant!
I seriously have an issue with your site your a TCM Dr and should stick to that. Most TCM Drs don’t provide advise on nutritional medicine there is incorrect advice given below including incorrect nutritional advice within your ebook. It’s people like you that make the rest look bad. Stop providing advice not within your scope. Maca should never be prescribed for pregnant women for many reasons. Stop providing nutritional advise and how to prescribe online. It can be damaging to the health of others if misused. Barley is not a gluten free grain. If you wanted to be a naturopath or nutritionist you should have studied that. The nutritional subjects within the TCM degree don’t count.
Thanks so much for your concern Nat Con. You seem very upset in your response which troubles me a little because really – it would be so nice if we could all come together and be supportive. I am very well qualified to give this advice – if you see also above, I have requested that anybody pregnant please to seek the advice of their health professional. I took Maca right through my pregnancies and enjoyed the benefits. As far as gluten goes – I suggest people do stay away from it, but I never claim my recipes are gluten free because many of the people I work with don’t necessarily react bad to grains and legumes. Perhaps see the good in what people like myself are doing – and if you would like to comment, please keep future comments respectful. Thanks again so much for your input. I’m sure the readers appreciate your concern.
I’m curious as to your thoughts… I’ve been taking maca powder for years (Navitas Naturals) – several tsp full daily. I adore it. Do you think you can OD? (I’ve had 2 miscarriages – I suspect my progesterone is too low — it was too low when tested, right before my 2nd m/c. Thoughts?
Hi Nat, I ordered Loving Earth’s maca powder after discovering your site and I was very excited to use it….until I tasted it!! Disssssgusting!
I got the raw organic version, put two teaspoons into some natural yoghurt…my reaction was such that my husband pulled out his iphone and filmed me eating the rest of the bowl (I was determined not to waste it!!)
Is this right? :-0
hi there! I’m 37 weeks pregnant and was on the maca everyday and fell pregnant that same month after 6 months of trying. I’ve been drinking superfood smoothies every morning throughout my pregnancy with about 1tsp maca. I feel great, have had lots of energy, my skin has been great, and the baby is looking in perfect health. no complications 🙂 that’s been my experience x
Hi Nat,
Love it! I’m a great believer in Maca. I often find myself telling women about it who buy ladycomps and want to heal their hormones naturally. A more balanced cycle means more green lights! yay! (Ie, green means infertile and red means fertile on the Ladycomp)
Nat, I’m 41 and since taking Maca I found my Libido increased toooooo much (lol). Very distracting! I’m assuming its the Maca? Should women take a break from it for a while? Thanks.
might not hurt. I often having women only take it for the second part of the cycle.
I took maca up until I fell pregnant but had to stop as I couldn’t take it anymore the smell and tast made me want to be sick my body totally rejected it while pregnant. I suppose if it does balance hormones, maybe while your pregnant you should just let your body create the right balance for the pregnancy? I was surprised because I didn’t have any morning sickness or any negative symptoms my pregnancy was beautiful. I think your body knows best.
Hi Nat,
I have recently been diagnosed with Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (FHA) and after reading this article am very keen to try Maca! Is the best way to take it in smoothies? and are there any other ‘super foods’ that can assist in regulating hormones?
Thank you!
Maca is my top choice here. Mesquite is also another good one. Yes add it to smoothies, on top of yoghurt or muesli and you can even put it in raw desserts if you are that way inclined!
I’ve been using maca for at least 2 years…but now I’m in early pregnancy. Do I stop? Can I continue?
You don’t have to stop – I’d suggest 1 tsp per day since you’ve been taking it for a while.
Hi Nat, I have had chronic fatigue for years and have had glandular fever in the past. I have been told by other practitioners that the EBV virus can attack your thyroid – could this be what is making me tired? Would you recommend something like Maca for thyroid support?
You could absolutely try – I’d say start b adding 1/2 tsp per day and see how your go. It’s important to great overall balance for wellness.
Hi, my friend just shared this on her facebook page. I was just wondering if this could help me. I have been diagnosed with PCOS, Neurofibromatosis, osteoarthritis, depression, anxiety & severe hormone imbalances with possible infertility. I am also overweight but the Dr said it has nothing to do with my diet. I just didn’t want to risk spending that money & having it not work. As you can imagine with my health issues, I am not able to work & need a full time carer.
Hi Nat
On the 3 occasions I have tried using Maca, I got a huge energy kick but then broke out in horrible, cystic acne. I would really like to continue to use it, however if the effects continue to include acne for me, I won’t be. Any advice? xx
Gut health is key with this – you might like to look at probiotics to help get that started x
Hi Nat
Do you have any information on whether Maca is safe to consume during pregnancy? And also when breast feeding? I have been having it for quite a while now, but am also pregnant and have only now just read that some people recommend not to take it, but no one has really explained why. Thank you!
Hi I’ve just purchased your ebook and have bought some maca powder as you suggested. I’m still breastfeeding my 22 month old toddler. Is maca powder safe while breast feeding? Love the ebook, I wish I had found out about you sooner!! Thanking you 🙂
Hi Nat, I’ve noticed in a couple of your blog posts that reference Maca, you mention that it is sometimes controversial. Can you please elaborate on this? I’ve been taking Maca in capsule form for about 6 weeks and haven’t noticed a ton of change but do have more energy. Thank you! (love your site)
Hi sorry the weblink for the ebook bundle doesn’t work?
Hi there, I’m a little confused, is Maca safe while bf? Will it help with breast milk production? Im taking fenugreek for that long term as I had a very rocky start. My son is 13 months old now. Im afraid if I change taking what I’m taking that there will be a drastic reduction in my milk supply. Is Maca safer than fenugreek? If you can help me with my questions please let me know. Thank you ?
Hey Nicole, Maca shouldn’t hurt your supply, if anything it will support it. Fenugreek is also extremely safe.
Can I take maca root powder while breastfeeding
Yes you can
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