What exactly is integrative medicine? And why do so many doctors seem to dismiss hormones? Author of The Hormone Balance Bible and The Wellness Collective’s resident OBGYN, Dr Shawn Tassone is back to share with us insights as to why so...
Read morePP Episode #152 – Bio-identical Hormones Versus Traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy with Candace Burch
For decades, women have been utilizing traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to correct a hormonal imbalance without realizing it could cause even worse side effects than the imbalance it helps correct. Take a listen as Candace Burch...
Read morePMS causes: The real reason why you have PMS
In previous posts, I’ve shared a handful of approaches you can take to address your PMS and make that time of the cycle more manageable. Today, I’m going to dive deeper into why you have PMS, so you can identify and treat the cause of your...
Read moreEp 20 – Healthy Home, Healthy Body with The Building Biologist Nicole Bijlsma.
10 Miscarriages later Nicole Bijlsma began to wonder if her home environment was to blame. In a quest to sort out her fertility she revealed a minefield of information that supported her fears. From EMF’s to mould and bacteria she learnt how...
Read morePP Episode #93 – Female Sterilization & the Essure Device with Dr. Shawn Tassone
Hand on heart, it is my firm belief that as women (and patients) we should strive to educate ourselves and be active participants in our own healthcare. Today’s I’m so very delighted to share this podcast not only because all women...
Read moreWhat Does Your Contraception Say About You? Episode 4
Is your contraception a choice or a treatment for a more serious issue? Many women don’t choose to take birth control – they are told it is the only option to treat serious health issues including endometriosis, PCOS and other...
Read moreOne Easy Solution To Balanced Hormones (plus a real fix to your stretch marks…)
(spon) It’s fair to say, there can be many contributing factors to your hormone problems. Perhaps you have a diagnosed issue like Poly Cystic Ovarianne Syndrome (PCOS) or Endometriosis, or maybe you suffer from Pre Menstrual Tension (PMS) or...
Read moreAcne – does it ever go away?
Sista, I feel your pain when it comes acne. Been there, done that and from time to time, still got that – acne. (sigh) You feeling me? As part of this months LIVE membership Q/A I dived real deep into the dark and gloomy depths of...
Read moreThe Number One Food To Avoid If You Have PCOS
The advances around hormone imbalance, especially Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) at present are pretty darn impressive – and thank goodness, it’s high time we began to get the answers many women have been bashing down their doctors...
Read moreWhy the gastric band can’t solve your PCOS or hormone imbalance
I’ve had several women write and ask my thoughts on the gastric band (which has been brought to my attention is different to the gastric sleeve). For those unfamiliar with the surgical procedure, it involves a silicone device that is...
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