What do you get when you mix fertility, wellness and skin care? A pod cast with Jacqueline Evans! Jacqui (as you’ll hear I’m used to calling her) and I sit down and dig deep into skin care. Jacqueline is a naturopath and...
Read moreCould being vegan be messing with my hormones?
If you are vegan (or vegetarian the non variety type eater) your choice in diet may be standing between you and your more fertile self. If you are reading this and you are a non meat or animal product eater, and you don’t have a menstrual...
Read moreSkinny by Tara
You’ve got to love the world wide web. I’ve met people online that not even my wildest dreams could have introduced me to. My guest today is one of them. Meet Tara from Skinny by Tara. I was seriously intrigued by her use of the word...
Read moreWhy your belly ring is messing with your fertility (& last day to rego for my cleanse)
Here’s a tip – theres a great chance your belly ring is causing your body more harm than you may realise. The conception vessel is the meridian than runs through the centre of your body – connecting you from top to bottom. From...
Read moreMy podcast with Jimmy Moore : reproductive wellness
Wonder what it would be like to loose 100kg? Jimmy Moore can tell you. He lost over 100kg by radically changing his diet by adding back the FAT! Since this time, he has made it his mission to spread the wellness (and low carb) message around the...
Read moreBecause I love your guts – what the people are saying about the 5 day cleanse
Wondering what all this cleanse fuss is about? You’re probably not the only one. In fact – some may argue you don’t need to cleanse at all and that your body does a sweet job of cleaning itself out every day. Let me tell you why...
Read moreWhy acupuncture works
image by CJ Photography People are always asking me – ‘exactly why does acupuncture work?’. The idea of pressing small needles into the body probably isn’t everybody’s idea of a good time, however we see wonderful...
Read moreAre you disposable?
Giving my body the respect it deserves allows me to believe it will look as good as this vintage fridge. It might be old, you can see it’s old, but its well looked after and will probably last a very long time. Over the holidays I had a...
Read moreThe Lunar Cycle and the Time of Lunar Return
You may have heard of the term ‘lunar cycle.’ It refers to the idea that the moon has an influence on the body and the menstrual cycle. Have you noticed that you ovulate or menstruate with the moon? Francesa Naish first brought my...
Read moreExercise and Fertility
Ovulation is one of the most important factors associated with fertility. Without it, a woman simply isn’t fertile. I received an email last week asking me if I’d write about ovulation and exercise. The sender indicated she had lost...
Read moreFertility : The New Approach
A little over a year ago, I did some research and found myself approaching fertility treatment in the clinic in a new way. It took a lot of courage for me to totally change what I had learnt and adapt my new learnings into how I thought they best...
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