The Integrative Fertility Summit Is Coming!

Do you remember last year I took my sad, sorry butt over to the San Diego on a whirl wind trip to attend the Mindshare Summit. I say sad and sorry because I was a right hot mess of emotion before I left.  Turns out, it was life changing.  I met some incredible and talented practitioners who I’ve been so keen to connect you with.  And here is the first of many of those introductions – a team of leading fertility experts at your ready!

The Integrative Fertility Masterclass kicks off on the 11th of February and is your one stop for all things health and fertility.  We’re talking about how you can gear your fertility in the direction you wish to see it go.

This event is run across one ‘jam pack choc-full of all the goods’ day and is FREE to join!  Talk about no brainer.  I am thrilled to be joining event hosts, Dr. Marc Sklar and Aimee Raupp, as a featured speaker in this life-changing event. With session topics ranging from PCOS and endometriosis to miscarriage and the emotional component of fertility, this one-day master class addresses many of the challenges that couples face when trying to conceive. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to ask your own fertility questions during a live Q&A with the experts!  I’m actually so excited about this, I literally did a happy dance in my office when I was asked to join this amazing panel of incredible experts.

It doesn’t matter if you have been trying to conceive for for some time and having challenges (including IVF – we’re all about optimising your fertility no matter what) or you plan to start trying in 2017 and want to prepare your body to conceive when you are ready to so, this information-packed event will equip you with the tools to:

+ Balance your hormones
+ Shift your diet & lifestyle to optimize your fertility
+ Manage fertility challenges, including PCOS, endometriosis, premature ovarian aging, miscarriage and autoimmune disease
+ Discover the mindbody connection and its impact on fertility

and my personal favourite of course

+ Shift your diet & lifestyle to optimize your fertility


Like I said, the online event is FREE and will be streamed on Saturday February 11th starting at 11am ET/ 8am PT.  What does that mean for us Aussies?  That’s Sunday February 12th kicking off at 3am!  (YIKES) For those of you on nightshift, you’re in LUCK!  For the rest of us, we can set our alarms to tune in over the course of the day.  The Integrative Fertility Master Class will be offered free of charge for one day only.

Can’t make it for the live event because you love your sleep? Don’t fret girlfriend – your fertility loves you to sleep in too.  You must know, the entire digital master class can be purchased for only $47 (that’s nearly 50% off the retail price!) with the discount code EARLYBIRD when ordered before 11am EST/ 8am PST on February 12th or for us, that’s 3am AEST February 13th. Watch it at your convenience and refer back to the information-packed sessions as you progress on your journey to pregnancy!  What you won’t however, want to miss if you can help it is the LIVE Q & A with all of the experts.  Want in at this special early bird rate (hello you’re human) – click here.

I’m super pumped to see you in there.  I’m so honoured to sit alongside some of the great names in fertility and I’m even MORE excited to help you reach your goals of becoming a parent in 2017!  Let’s do this!  To reserve your space FREE, click here or to sign yourself straight up because you are easy like a Sunday morning (and you like your sleep), purchase here (don’t forget your code EARLYBIRD to save).


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