Feel like you lost your libido sometime between now and cramming for exams back in 2003 and you’re still wondering when it will make its comeback? It’s common, and if you don’t get to the reason why it’s gone AWOL, the...
Read moreHow to get your Mojo back… and yes I’m talking libido
Original image via Flickr So I’m talking libido. I was prompted to write about this when I was asked the question this week what my top 5 reasons are behind low sex drive. I realised I had never written specifically on the topic –...
Read moreMore sex in your city – it is the simple answer to a more fertile you.
Original image via Flickr I’m often asked, in my professional capacity as a Dr of TCM why we are faced with rising infertility rates. For the majority of couples I see – it is directly related to lifestyle and diet, including...
Read moreThe Pill – is it for you?
The oral contraceptive pill (OCP) is the most used pharmaceutical, world wide. Most women have taken it at some stage during their life, Many young women are being prescribed the pill to ‘sort out’ a wide variety of health issues...
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