Know what I discovered? You’re 95% more likely to retain information from video as opposed to just 10% likely to retain information from text. Who knew!? Maybe I was before my time when I created my Debunking Masterclasses or maybe I...
Read moreDebunking Contraception – the LIVE event.
Over the past 3 or so years, I’ve toured Australia several times with our Debunking Events. First there was Debunking Ovulation, then came Debunking PCOS followed by Debunking Stress. When the thyroid epidemic hit, we heard your...
Read moreDebunking your Thyroid – THE ECOURSE
Introducing….. the much awaited, hugely anticipate and from what I can tell most talked about e-course I’m yet to launch – Debunking your Thyroid the ecourse is now available! Click on the promo video below to learn about how...
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