Put body image aside for just a tick if you will. Let’s look at the health side of weight. Being overweight isn’t just uncomfortable; it’s a sign that something isn’t working as well as it could be, no matter what the...
Read moreGood Food Friday : The most fertile recipe you’ll ever lay eyes on. Sarah Wilson talks bone broth!
This is an original post written by Sarah Wilson and shared on her blog I asked her if I could use her post today mostly because why re-invent the wheel? Also – I love her, she wrote the foreword to my ebook Fertilise Yourself. Plus I...
Read moreMy podcast with Jimmy Moore : reproductive wellness
Wonder what it would be like to loose 100kg? Jimmy Moore can tell you. He lost over 100kg by radically changing his diet by adding back the FAT! Since this time, he has made it his mission to spread the wellness (and low carb) message around the...
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