By popular demand, today my 14 year old daughter Olivia Kringoudis joins me on The Wellness Collective to answer some of the questions you have put forward for her. If you are a parent of a teenager, this episode will hopefully help you navigate the tricky questions that come up through their years of puberty, and may even be a great episode to share with them.
Olivia answers questions about;
+ What she wants to be when she grows up
+ Her experience with getting her period for the first time
+ Changes with hormones and what that felt like
+ The difference between generations with the knowledge we were given about our periods then vs now
+ How much more information and openness there is for teenagers nowadays
+ Navigating friendships
We also get to enjoy Olivia’s funny and unique personality in today’s episode.
Listen to the podcast here.
Be sure to catch this episode either via iTunes or listnr.
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