Season 2 – Episode 33: How to be a better Dad with Luke McLean

Dad life in modern times may leave many parents feeling overwhelmed as traditional parent roles have changed and we are left trying to navigate these in a way we’ve never known. In this episode I chat with mentor Luke McLean about how we can better support the father figure in your household.

Luke shares:

+ Why the traditional role of ’the dad’ is still as important as ever

+ How children mimic what they see and how the behaviours of parents are reflected in our children

+ How less contact with parents is the reality due to the nature of working parents and what we can do to cultivate connection regardless

+ Why planning times of connection is key

+ How we can be aware of the ‘3 Ds’ (Distracted, Disconnected and Discontentment) to be more reflective and more present as a parent

+ Why rituals are so important to help us connect

+ How to have conversations with our partners that spark curiosity and solutions

+ What the biggest blocks may be for men and how we can support men to ask for help early and be less explosive in times of stress and overwhelm

+ How we can change generational behaviours

+ Setting up your evening before you walk into the door to create connection and calm

+ Awareness of how parents talk to each other and the roles they play


Connect with Luke McLean @Luke_mclean_life and via his website

Listen to the podcast here. 

Be sure to catch this episode either via iTunes or listnr.

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