Season 2 – Episode 17: Your Brain on Birth Control with Dr Sarah Hill

Research psychologist Dr Sarah Hill has always had a passion for investigating attraction and sex hormones. It wasn’t until Sarah started researching and transitioned off the pill herself, that she discovered how the world felt very different to her. In this episode Sarah shares her latest mind blowing findings in this area we know very little about.

Sarah shares in detail;

  • Her own personal story and the realisation that the world felt a very different (and better place) to her when she stopped taking birth control
  • Whether pheromones are real
  • How this further prompted her research into this area where there is very little research currently done
  • What The Birth Control Pill does to our attraction towards another partner
  • If women are attracted to different men whilst on birth control compared to when they are not on birth control
  • If birth control may be a contributing factor (one of many) to low fertility rates due to incompatible attraction
  • How increased use of dating apps may be affecting attraction due to the inability to sense/smell a partner
  • How we use sex hormones in our brain for emotion signalling and how women on the pill have less of this due to flatlining hormones
  • How the pill may lower performance
  • Any benefits of taking the pill including drug users and how it has a positive impact on conditions like anxiety and depression


Connect with Dr Sarah @sarahehillphd and



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