I’m being attacked by silverbeet. The patch is thriving and I have mountains of it. I didn’t realise how many different names there were for this stuff. Spinach, chard, crab beet, seakale beet… whatever you call it, silverbeet is awesome. Get it onto your plate – your body won’t be disappointed. It is high in Vitamins A, K and C, and rich in minerals, dietary fibre and protein. An all round winner really. Popeye knew he was onto a good thing!
Spinach and Ricotta Pie
2 cups of cooked brown rice
40 gm melted butter
2 egg yolks (keep whites for pie filling)
500ml ricotta
2 bunches of spinach or 1 bunch of silverbeet chopped
2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites (left over from base)
1/2 tsp nutmeg
salt and pepper to taste
Mix together rice, butter and egg yolks. Gently press the mixture into the base of a flan dish or similar and bake in the oven for approximately 15 minutes or until it begins to brown.
Meanwhile, place ricotta into a bowl and separate using a potato masher. Add all other ingredients and mix well. Place on top of rice base, and cook for 20 minutes or until top begins to brown.
So simple. You can add anything to the topping that you like. Mushrooms would go really well in the filling too!
oooo, a gluten free pie – thanks – I shall be printing this out and adding it to my to do list x
It's really delicious & you can certainly mix it up a bit add onion or shallots to the base & perhaps some mushroom or capscium to the filling. Awesome!
Oh yum, I made this tonight and it was delicious! I added onion and bacon and tuna to the filling and it turned out so well. I love the base too! Thanks for sharing.
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