Good Food Friday : Sarah Wilson’s I Quit Sugar Cook Book!

Photo via I Quit Sugar Cookbook, shot by Marija Ivkovic

HERE’S a winner! Sarah Wilson’s I Quit Sugar Cookbook has landed and it is stunning! It arrived in my inbox and had me ooh’ing and arh’ing, not to mention drooling and inspired me to get my cook straight on! But don’t just take my word for it. You can grab your own copy here. It’s like a good food friday treat on steroids…. or should I say on protein – possibly a better comparison.

Oh and might I add – these recipes will not only have you asking for more, they will do your health and fertility huge favours – gearing you toward wellness. I’m a big fan of leaving sugar at the door and eating the way our bodies were designed to. You see, when we place strain on our digestive system, we in turn affect fertility as the body is robbed of essential vitamins and minerals. Many things in life are beyond our control, but what we put on our fork is totally up to us, so make it count!


Oh and one more thing. I’m delighted to have Sarah write the foreword for my new e-book, ‘fertilise yourself’ – coming your way very soon. For more details, find out here.

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