Samantha Wills is an Aussie house hold name. But behind the success of a international brand was a lot of blood, sweat and tears. In this episode you’ll learn of Samantha’s triumphs, wins and fails.
Specifically in this episode Nat and Cecelia chat with Samantha about;
+ Her upbringing as an only child and how her parents impacted her career
+ How she went from Bondi Market Stalls to NYC and beyond
+ The pivotal moment her passion project became her ultimate day job (thanks to a comment from her ex-boyfriend)
+ How her long term relationship breakdown gave her perspective on her health and wellbeing
+ Living with endometriosis and listening to her body
+ The rollercoaster of egg freezing and consideration of future fertility
This heartfelt episode will leave you feeling motivated to achieve your wildest dreams and create the life you deserve.
Listen to the podcast here.
Connect with Samantha Wills:
Instagram: @samanthawills
Facebook: @OfficialSW
Twitter: @samantha_wills
Buy Sam’s Latest Book “Of Gold & Dust” Here.
Be sure to catch this episode either via iTunes or listnr.
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