Ep 19 – Do You Really Need a Birth Plan With Midwife Cath

Being in the biz for over 40 years and 10,000 babies later, it’s fair to say Midwife Cath has seen it all.  In this episode we wanted to ask her the questions nobody talks about.  It turned into much more than that – not just about birth, but equally what’s most important after the stork arrives.  From sleep deprivation to recovering as a new mama, you’re going to want to listen in – even if your not expecting, learn how best to support those in your world who are.




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00:25 – We talk about fertility and infertility all the time but in this podcast we wanted to talk about all things babies and birth (and beyond) – and mainly the stuff no one really talks about.

01:15 – Midwife Cath tells us about her incredible 43 years (over 10.000 births!) of experience as a midwife and how it all started.

02:40 – How can we tell women in a nice way that it might be time to let go of the idea of having a birth plan? I asked Cath.

04:55 – Are birth plans setting women up to fail?

05:50 – Cecelia and I talk about our husbands and their fails during our births.

07:00 – What does Midwife Cath recommend if you don’t feel good about your obstetrician?

08:30 – Do we set ourselves up for failure before we go into the birth suite because of all the negative stories we hear and all our worries?

09:50 – The emphasis is always on the birth itself but we asked Midwife Cath about her thoughts on what should happen after birth.

11:15 – I tell the story about going home after my first birth and what I did wrong (it’s so simple but no one had explained it to me!).

13:55 – We discuss why we need people around us and why being taught the basics is so important.

15:10 – We discuss our thoughts on letting your baby sleep in your bed.

17:40 – Cecilia tells a story about her experience with mother instincts and we talk about the changes women go through during pregnancy.

19:35 – We all know parenting can be complex – Cath tells us why she likes teaching parents to be positive role models.

20:30 – We’re changing the subject to mums and recovery. In some cultures, women stay at home for the first 40 days after birth – which makes so much sense.

21:35 – After my first birth I was told not to have my mum around for the first few days – find out this wasn’t the best advice.

22:30 – Midwife Cath talks about recovery and the importance of happy mothers!

23:10 – Cath reveals the most important question you can to ask a new mother.

25:30 – Midwife Cath explains why she thinks there’s too much pressure on mothers to breast feed these days.

28:35 – We talk more about feeding, how every baby is different and the dirty “F-word” (formula).

31:25 – Amazing advice from Cath’s mother that she now gives every new mum.

32:30 – The importance of a community and asking for help. We also talk about our plans to set up an establishment for women if we win the tatts lotto – it’s pretty good.

34:50 – Find out why Midwife Cath finds looking after the mothers so important.

35:50 – How my brings women together to solve women’s problems.

38:00 – Why we shouldn’t suffer in silence.

Connect with Midwife Cath here.

Check our her podcast here.

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