Wowser. Did somebody hit fast forward? 2014 has been quite the ride. I feel like I find myself saying that each and every time we clock over the calendar toward a new year. Personally, I’m quietly (well at least until now) excited about the possibility of turning a new leaf and a fresh start to the year ahead. Recently I was asked how often I celebrate my success? How often do I actually stop and recognise my achievements? Truth be told – I hadn’t, at least not my personal achievements. I’m quick to celebrate those around me, the kids and my loved ones no question, but my own success, I’d never actually stopped to think. I live life at quite the pace, wearing many hats and often with several balls in the air all at once. This however means when I have myself a triumph, I’m quickly looking for the next.
So with reflecting on the year that’s been, preparing for the year ahead, may I ask that I share and celebrate my achievements with YOU? After all, it’s all for you – I’m here to share information to help you make informed decisions around your own beautiful self.
All I want, in my heart of hearts, is for women to have the privilege of understanding their bodies, to release the fear that comes with lack of knowledge and to own health.
Here’s the year in a flash;
+ Launched a brand new website
+ The Debunking PCOS tour and ecourse
+ The Debunking Stress EPIC event and ecourse
+ Written and released my new book, Well & Good
+ I’ve spoken in schools, to corporates, women’s groups and several major tours over the year.
+ Created and launched a campaign ever so close to my heart #just1wish
And into 2015 you’re going to be seeing so much more!
+ The launch of the Weight-loss and Health Institute
+ Continuing my role as a very proud ambassador of Your Tea
+ Stepping up as a Pressed juices influencer
+ So many speaking arrangements set up and some seriously fabulous tours and events, I can’t even see past February!
Holy macro! These are the standouts and of course there are so many wonderful things on the horizon. I look at these and I admit to getting butterflies in my belly. I get so excited at the thought that this is my life, this is my job, I have this amazing opportunity to help create change in women’s lives for the better, standing up for wellness and taking the road previously less travelled. Celebrating these achievements IS my new thing. It grounds me and helps me with what I’m doing now and the direction that I am going.
With the new year on our door step I’m taking the opportunity to encourage you to do the same. To reflect and celebrate the year that has been. To throw yourself a wee shindig because there’s no question, you too have achieved some amazing things in your own life. Heck, in the spirit of ‘the sisterhood’ I’d LOVE to hear what you’re celebrating too, tell me what you’ve achieved because just like I’ve asked you to celebrate with me, I want the chance to do the same with you.
I’m so pumped for the new year. I’m so excited for the endless possibilities. I’m so thrilled to be in this together. 2015, you’re here upon us and I’m proud as punch to take you by the hand and leap forward.
Here’s to a safe new year. Here’s to reinventing ourselves, to opening our minds to the possibilities that lie ahead and to love ourselves for what we’ve achieved. Bring it on.
Dearest Nat, you are awesome! So love that you have shared all this with us. Love the way you write too! We celebrate with you and the women of Australia (and the world) are a blessed group to have you sharing your passion and mission with us. Keep on doing what you are called to do in life. much love n friendship, jade xx
You rock Nat!
Thanks Nat for everything in 2014! I took so much of the information I learnt from you help friends who are having issues with their hormones and fertility, keep it coming!! xx
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