We are LIVE!  With 30 Days of GIVEAWAYS & Our Radio Show!


Weeeeeee!!  I’m SO PUMPED.  We are NOW LIVE here with the Wellness Collective Membership and to celebrated there’s a fair bit on offer!

First things first, episode 1 of our Radio Show – it’s actually available for you (member or not) to listen to as of NOW.  If you become a member, you’ll find this and an extra special episode in the members area.

You can listen in here:


And THEN once you’ve done that, there’s no doubt you’ll never (ever) want to miss another episode ever again (plus a STACK of other bits and bobs including webinars, exclusive offers, access to the Facebook collective crew, ongoing discounts, exclusive artwork and more!)

Keen to learn more, you can either watch the video below or head up to the right hand side of the menu bar above and hit the ‘Membership’ tab.  From there, you can follow the instructions.

It’s that easy!  Once you’ve done that you’ll be taken to your login page and the rest is history.

But wait… there’s more!

Today kicks off 30 days of giveaways, including the GRAND PRIZE of a weekend away at Gwinganna (OH EM GEE!!)



Gwinganna – aka heaven on earth.


For ANY member that joins the Collective Membership in the next 30 days, you will go in the running to score each of the daily giveaways.  Keep an eye out either on our Facebook or Instagram pages for daily GIVEAWAYS.  With offers this sweet up for grabs, everybody fist pumping the air!



Join us for 30 days of GIVEAWAYS!!

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