What REALLY happens when you skip your period.

This article was intended to be published over at The Glow.  They recently featured an story; ‘What REALLY happens when you skip your period,’ and in fury I posted it on my Facebook page (see my reply here)  because I was simply appalled.  The information in the article was written by a “real” fertility expert but sadly had more holes than a pasta strainer.  The Glow contacted me and gave me the right of reply – and so I sat down on my holiday (mind you) and put pen to paper – because I felt strongly and it’s no secret, I’m oh so passionate about women being able to access truthful information.  In light of that, my reply was deemed “inappropriate,” and so, I’m posting it here for your eyes because you my lady deserve the truth.  Sadly, it seems my writing isn’t mainstream enough, perhaps too far out of the mould.  I’m keen to hear your thoughts.  Here goes.

The second I read the article ‘What really happens to your body when you skip your period,’ I actually wanted to scream until my body shook – I felt like the roadrunner cartoon character with my bloodshot eyeballs diving out of their sockets in frustration. Really? I sat here shaking my head and of course shared the post on my public Facebook page and then the flood gates (best pun ever) opened. And here I am. I’m a Dr of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a natural hormone expert, an author and a speaker. I tour the country helping women understand their hormones better, to fill in the gaps and seek truthful solutions. If you only absorb one point from this story, hear this. I’m not here to push people into corners, to judge or to make you feel crappy about your choices. I am here to shine the spotlight on women’s health, to provide truthful information so that we can make informed decisions about our precious bodies. If you are on the pill and love it – great. If you understand all the risks and side effects and if your Doctor was thorough enough to explain the 100 page leaflet that comes with it in more than 3.5 minutes when you first started on the pill – even better. You’re a lucky woman. If you were told it may fail, that thousands of women continue to fall pregnant whilst taking it, that it may lead to mood swings, low libido, migraines, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, skin conditions, increased risk of cancer and blood clots and hormone imbalance – great! You had yourself a keeper of a Doctor. I can vouch for all the women I know taking it – they were never told. What’s more, I’m not actually blaming your Doctor, because too often they too aren’t revealed the issues that arise. They too continue to be told it’s perfectly safe. Sadly, we’re not getting fed the real truth.

The pill is the most prescribed drug in the world. Thing is, it’s used to treat everything from amenorrhea to acne. It’s used for so much more than contraception but sadly it isn’t actually providing a solution to these problems. The pill severely robs the gut flora, it affects how we absorb nutrients from our food (if you can’t assimilate your food well, you can’t have a well balanced working body), it upsets our hormones and has been linked to cancer. Many women are prescribed the pill because they have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)or Endometriosis – granted very serious and debilitating conditions. That said, whilst the pill may offer some short term relief, it can never and will not ever fix your hormone imbalance, your PCOS or your Endometriosis. It can’t give you a period, because whilst on the pill you don’t ovulate (or at least you shouldn’t and so if you are, the pill isn’t actually doing its job). The pill isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, yet so many women happily take it, not really aware of the actual effect it is having on their body. It isn’t until they come off it, they discover the impact it was having on them.

It’s torture for me to sit and listen to experts (who are no doubt very intelligent people with amazing qualifications) suggest we can remain healthy and skip periods. In theory, I get their point. In reality, it’s a different occurrence. If I have to listen to another person tell me we have more periods (over a lifespan) now than our foremothers I’m going to need to slap them just to pull them back to reality. Whilst this might sound like we’ve morphed into some kind of hormone monster by evolution, it’s important we look at this logically. We are a product of our environment no doubt, influenced by seasons, by growth and at the same time by disaster. We are cyclic beings and typically work on a 28 day menstrual cycle as does the moon. Our bodies like to be in synch with our surroundings – this, a perfect example. When we are thriving, when we are nourished and well fed, our bodies will happily cruise along following this general rhythm. But through disaster, famine, stress and so on, our bodies as a means of survival, take our sex hormones offline, because cortisol – that bossy hormone that is unleashed under stress will control everything in its power, meaning you no longer (at least in the short while) ovulate because your body has gone into famine mode. It’s called survival. Aren’t you glad to hear you aren’t actually a morphed hormone monster? Bet you’re glad to learn why our foremothers may have had less periods – oh not to mention they were possibly pregnant and breastfeeding (as the article mentioned) for a good chunk of their glory days too. It wasn’t because we’ve become something completely different – genetically we are 99% the same as our first relatives.

So will skipping a period stuff up your cycles? This is the real question. I can, and generally base my expertise on my own experience in my clinic. Very rarely do I have a woman skip in my practice door singing the praises of the pill – because she’s coming to me out of a need to fix her body. This isn’t to say that some women cruise on through life happily on the pill, no doubt. It has always been my patients that motivate me to seek answers – my appetite to really understand the pill was driven by women close to me needing answers.

So in my experience, will skipping periods stuff up your cycles – probably not. Will being on the pill stuff up your cycles? Absolutely, at least for the thousands of women I’ve dealt with. It’s not that skipping periods is the real issue here, it’s the long term effects of the pill that are the real problem.

But the clincher… “Is it ok to stop your body from doing what it is meant to do every month?” This is an actual question? To stop your body doing what it is supposed to innately do each and every month. Logic tells me no. Clinic based evidence confirms this. The women I see in my clinic have been able to experience for themselves the disastrous effects of the pill because let’s realize that the pill takes our hormones offline. The intricate ebbs and flows of oestrogen and progesterone are essential for all round hormone balance. Whilst on the pill, this special hormone cha cha doesn’t get to play out.

The list of health concerns that are raised as a direct consequence of the pill are frightening. Suggesting it’s perfectly safe to skip a period, but not for more a minute more than 3 months seems a little contradictory. Proclaiming this won’t affect your fertility – dangerous. Who actually knows? Truthfully nobody, since our hormone health and fertility lies on the state of our constitution, our genetic make up, the state of our gut health and our environment. If we have a strong constitution, the right genes and great gut health we will in theory be less affected by the pill, but if we inherit poor gut health, present with hormone issues from a young age (late onset of menstruation or know hurdles like PCOS or endometriosis), the long term effects of the pill can be disastrous.

I must be some kind of superwoman to have to factored in my period each month for the last 23 years. Since the article suggested, women who were ‘on the go a lot and can’t afford to have a period’ should consider skipping their period. As a busy working mother, I’m left wondering did I actually manage to fit all that in? That whole two minutes it takes me to go to the bathroom several times a day. Where’s my award? Granted, some women experience debilitating periods for whatever reason. I’m not saying the pill may not provide a great short term solution, but fixing the core of the issue is the only way to ever over come these conditions. Endometriosis, hormone imbalance, PCOS, thyroid troubles – anyone can thrive with the right level of care and support. Diet and lifestyle is absolutely key for these women to lay the foundation for wellness

Women, we are smart beings. We intuitively know so much about ourselves, yet we may second guess our intuition when we hear claims such as these. Skipping your period, whilst maybe it seems convenient, please, think about the long term consequences of the pill. Think about the real reasons why infertility is on the climb, why 20% of women have PCOS and why we aren’t getting any healthier collectively. Most of all, collect as much information as you can so that you can make a sound and informed decision based on your own individual needs. Nobody should have more of a vested interested in their health than you.



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  • October 28, 2014 By Diana Braybrooke 8:45 pm

    Hurrah! Such a great article Nat! I loved this so much. As someone who regulated out my cycles through going to a Wellness Centre, using Chinese medicine and acupuncture and am now 17 weeks pregnant after years of trying (and being put on Clomid – thanks Drs for never looking into the root cause of my lack of periods), I can testify to the fact that the pill (and clomid) seriously messes your system up. At the age 0f 32 I finally got my first 28 day cycles and regularly! You can’t tell me this stuff works. I actually got excited when I got my periods on time. My body is suppose to do this. Thank you for unashamedly not compromising on this info xxoo

  • October 28, 2014 By Ashley 8:53 pm

    amen amen amen amen!!!!!!!!!

  • October 28, 2014 By Lisa 9:13 pm

    I love your work nat! It’s so true. I had amenorrhea for nine years and every single doctor had no concern about it!! I was fairly sure it was something terribly imbalanced within my body and still the answer was “it will come back when it’s ready.” Like seriously??!! A girl who started at 11 and stopped periods at 14?? Really? I’m now 24 and angry about the ignorance. When I found you I celebrated! Finally somebody who makes me believe my choice that the pill was not the right solution to my problem and all the things I was feeling about it that they ignored weren’t in my mind. Happy to say I never took their advice! Thank you for being the empowering wonderful and intelligent woman you are xxx keep spreading the word!!

  • October 28, 2014 By Berni 9:27 pm

    What about something like the mirena? Same thing or not?

  • October 28, 2014 By Sheridan 9:45 pm

    Hello. I enjoyed reading this article, you’ve reiterated things I’ve been thinking about for some time. I have PCOS, and am concerned about birth control. Are you able to advise me of some options that might be suitable for me? I’d really appreciate your advice. Thank you! s

    • October 29, 2014 By Cia 1:26 am

      Nat is fantastic. I haven’t been following her for that long, but I’m sure she has great ideas regarding this. Just wanted to give you a tip about a book I’ve read called “Taking charge of your fertility”. It’s written by Toni Weschler, and it’s such a great read.

    • October 29, 2014 By Nat Kringoudis 8:52 am
  • October 28, 2014 By Not Biased Writing At All 10:31 pm

    Nat, as this is your personal website I doubt you’ll have the guts to allow this to appear, but I just wanted to let you know that after suffering from physically-debilitating dysmenorrhea for 28 years and suffering from socially- and mentally-debilitating acne rosacea for 11 years, both conditions were fixed by me going on the pill. Your sweeping “the pill is evil” article does just as much harm as pharma companies and doctors saying “the pill cures everything”. I can’t wait to read your “End unwanted pregnancies with these special herbs, a bottle of vodka and a boiling hot bath” article.

    • October 29, 2014 By Nat Kringoudis 8:49 am

      Thanks for your input. I have nothing to hide, which is why I’m happy for your comment to be published. As I said above – if that works for you great, so long as you know it’s long term effects. x

  • October 28, 2014 By Jacq 10:51 pm

    Im not convinced at all? Long term effects? What long term consequences are there? There are a lot of generalisations being made no hard evidence…?

    • October 29, 2014 By Nat Kringoudis 8:51 am

      And that’s perfectly ok. Do your research – then you can make your own informed decision.

    • October 29, 2014 By Not much better off 11:51 pm

      Agreed…I don’t feel like I’ve learnt much by reading this.
      Felt like more of a rant and I feel alienated as though I am wrong to be taking the pill.
      Truth be told the pill did help me with my skin and monthly cramps. I think it can be used as a scapegoat at times….I mean come on I’m sure there are people with terrible diets that affects the way their “body works”. You are entitled to your opinion and I was hoping to be enlightened but…yeah not much better off from reading this. Thank you anyway

      • October 31, 2014 By Rae 2:49 pm

        *”Not much better off” + “Not Biased Writing At All”

        Ladies, I feel like you are being a bit hypercritical? You’re telling Nat that she can’t have her opinions, however; you still want to have yours?That’s a bit backwards (no offense, honestly).

        That being said. Here is my understanding.

        The Pill “band-aids” your acne, your cramps and whatever else your body is trying to tell you. There is always a cause for everything. Like if you crash your car, the car doesn’t crash itself, something has triggered it.

        I would urge you to listen to your body. Your beautiful body is trying to let you know that she isn’t coping. Covering it up with the pill and ignoring it isn’t going to make it go away, it will just hide all the symptoms. Have a look into your diet, your lifestyle (not just physical, stress is a massive culprit) and try get a hold of it, rather than letting it getting a hold of you.

        Best wishes for your health journey.

  • October 29, 2014 By Sophie 12:07 am

    Everything about this article is so right, I have been on the pill for the first time ever for nearly three months now. I am 25 and have been fine using condoms, although the feeling is less, it’s nothing to what has happened. The first month when the withdrawal bleed finished and I started taking pills again, I managed (in all good health, no diet change, lifestyle etc) to contract a uti. I then had to take antibiotics. Shortly after I developed candida, unknown to me, my mood and food cravings changed, crying spells, constant headaches, dry skin, etc the list of changes is endless. I did some searching and found a candida diet plan which has in three days, managed to calm the yeast, but the ‘die off’ means more nausea and headaches, but luckily my mood and fitness have increased.

    ( I am highly fit, and within a month, I became so lethargic, I had to take naps in the after noon and couldn’t walk for more than 20 minutes in the day )

    It turns out that urine infections are common in women ( all of whom are of course, on the pill) and ear infections (which I came close to having), all require antibiotics, which of course kill off all the friendly bacteria in your gut, leaving you susceptible to a yeast infection.

    So in summary, if I want to keep taking the pill, which are supposedly 99% effective contraception, I would have to live with ridiculous Heath and mood side-effects that form a cycle of buying in the the drug-use system. AND change my diet so dramatically, these are the only things I should be eating for a while…. http://www.thecandidadiet.com/foodstoeat.htm

    No thanks, give me condoms and a happy healthy lifestyle again, please.

    The truth being I suppose, aside for disturbing the balance of a healthy happy body, contraception allows people to have casual sex without the consequence of having children. Is it worth the risk when a condom boasts a higher percentage rate of being effective?

    • October 29, 2014 By CT 1:22 am

      “contraception allows people to have casual sex without the consequence of having children”

      … it also allows married couples – such as myself and my husband – who wish to avoid conceiving biological children in order that they might adopt and raise more children on their finite budget, to continue having sex.

      • October 29, 2014 By Cia 1:36 am

        Thank you Nat! I just recently found your website, and I’m so glad I did. You’re another smart, brave woman that dares to stand up for this. I’ve been reading Dr Sara Gottfried, Dr Toni Weschler, Dr Claudia Welch and they all say the same things that you do. It’s so refreshing and yet so simple it’s actually strange that not every doctor has seen and understood this. Our bodies are amazing and our hormone balances so delicate it’s amazing how fooled and sad it makes you feel when you realize that you gynecologists either doesn’t know better (which is sad since womens bodies is the field of their expertise) or just takes the easy way out. Thank you for sharing and caring!

  • October 29, 2014 By Christi Madrid 12:12 am

    Hi Nat! Thank you for so passionately sharing your expertise on the pill and all things hormone! I’ve benefited greatly from your work! If you’re looking for reasons why The Glow found this article inappropriate, read on. If not, then stop now and just know how much I love your work!
    Your passion shines through every single word. This is exactly what draws women to you! But sometimes passion can come across as aggression – even violently so. This sentence made me cringe a bit, though I totally see your heart: “If I have to listen to another person tell me we have more periods (over a lifespan) now than our foremothers I’m going to need to slap them just to pull them back to reality.”
    Perhaps toning down the assault references may facilitate a better acceptance 🙂
    Again, Nat, thank you for your passion. It has been a saving grace to so many <3

  • October 29, 2014 By Dana miles 12:43 am

    What are your thoughts on non Hotmail IUD’s?

  • October 29, 2014 By Melanie 2:52 am

    Thank You so much Nat for taking the time.to.write this article. I do have PCOS and in the past when I could afford it, ive seen 2 Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors and they BOTH got my cycles regulated. I have not been on the pill for easily over 10 years and I will never take it. I actually was worse when I was taking the pill and it made my ovarian cycsts larger in size ..said the follow up ultrasound and then I started to read and really listen to my body
    i discovered natural progesterone cream and the difference between that and what my gyno was prescribing me to have a period which is called Provera. I chose the natural progesterone because its NATURAL lol and it has many benefits to it. I also read about the man who discovered natural progesterone by Dr. JOHN LEE . I have a much larger story than this but ill leave it at this and I too also encourage every woman to really look and investigate with natural herbs/supplements and I assure them its the better route to go. AND ask yourself this ladies..do u think that NOT having a period is normal or its healthy or its no big deal..IT IS A BIG DEAL and I always welcome every girl to try what I did I know a few have gotton their periods back after not having one for 4 yrs or more at a time..now thats sad..so lets allll fix this and listen to doctors who truly care for our bodies like NAT ..THANK YOU NAT AND I APPRECIATE ALL YOUR INFO AND PASSION FOR WOMENS HORMONES : ) XO

    and this new path of medicine I chose, which was Chinese Medicine. I became better more balanced, energy, ive also discovered natural progesterone cream and what the difference is between natural to synthetic. I can actually say im proud of myself for not continuing with the fertility specialist and my

  • October 29, 2014 By Adelaide 7:07 am

    I’m confused about this article, is Nat talking about the pill in general or only when women purposely skip their periods every month on it?
    Also, with all the technology on the rise and adoption options, infertility isn’t as big a barrier as it was before…

    • October 29, 2014 By Nat Kringoudis 8:51 am

      I’m talking about both, being on the pill, period. Skipping periods is the last of the troubles.

    • October 29, 2014 By SJ 8:20 pm

      Infertility is still a MASSIVE barrier for many wanting children. Adoption options within Australia are extremely limited. In Qld last year only 13 children were adopted due to Australia’s bureaucratic system large numbers of kids are stuck in the foster system and not able to be legally adopted. Overseas adoption is a looooong process and financially is beyond the reach of many.

  • October 29, 2014 By Kate 7:07 am

    Thanks Nat! My body feels so much better since going off the pill nearly 3 years ago. I actually went off it because it was deemed to be the major contributing factor to my developing DVT and PE (blood clots up my right leg and in both lungs). But despite this, can you believe that there have since been GPs trying to convince me that I need to go back on it to avoid pregnancy? I mean, seriously, I’m 32 in a loving, stable relationship. We’re quite happy to take that risk as opposed to the risks associated with me continuing to take the pill.

    More women need to understand that taking something that messes with your hormones is bound to have consequences or at least involve a level of risk.

  • October 29, 2014 By Mel 7:57 am

    Hi Nat,
    Your article has hit a spot with me, not because I have any major health issues (PCOS, dysmenorrhea) as a result of being on the pill for 10 years, but more so because I have for the last 2 years had terrible IBS and gut issues. And I am more and more concerned now that this could be a link to the pill. However the one thing that your article doesn’t hit on is what if the reasons you are on it are purely for contraception only. What other convenient and other options are there? Are there any suggestions you could make? The reason I ask is as I have questioned my doctor too about having a ‘break’ from the pill, only to be questioned- ‘what for, you don’t need to’. Maybe I need to look at seeing an alternative therapist.
    Would love your thoughts.

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  • October 29, 2014 By Ash Hill 11:23 am

    Well Nat im totally there with you and support you as a fellow Natural Health Practitioner and Specialist..about time some of us came up against the mainstream tunnel vision money hungry pharmacuetical companies and anyone who wants to support them in fear of being ostracised… Im certainly not scared and we would of been burnt at the stake, witch or not, practicing herbs or not, we are strong woman wanting just and fairness and dont suffer fools easily…. So i say good on you keep it up…. you are telling the truth, who cares who doesnt publish your work ! Publish it yourself like you did…Its a free world !

  • October 29, 2014 By Paige Marie 12:43 pm

    This is great and i completely believe this.

    Are you able to let me know what your thoughts are on the implanon Contraception rod? if you are still getting your period every month?


  • October 29, 2014 By Sophie 1:24 pm

    Great article! But what are the alternatives to the pill that are a safe and healthy form of contraception for our bodies? I am only 18 and do not want to go on the pill because I believe that it is not natural and couldn’t possibly be healthy, but at the same time I do not want to fall pregnant yet…

  • October 29, 2014 By Alitta Berson 5:05 pm

    Rock on sister! Kudos for your work xx

  • October 29, 2014 By Cooper 6:03 pm

    What about the long term health risks of an unwanted pregnancy? I am in the pill purely to stop me getting pregnant. I know there are health risk with being on the pill and I had a great doctor who knew me and my family history and recommended it to me over other alternatives as condoms can break!

    Now I am older I am looking at more permenant options which my doctor has given me lots of information on and advised I do some research myself. I wish there was a non chemical alternative but there isn’t and I cannot risk getting pregnant.

  • October 29, 2014 By Loz 9:04 pm

    Nat, I’m wondering how long it takes to get back to “normal” after going off the pill?
    I was on the pill for about 15 years before going off it to have a baby. I’ve now been off the pill for about 3 years but think I’m still suffering the effects of it – hormones all over the place, libido issues, anxiety, depression, gut issues…. Have I permanently ruined my health?

  • October 29, 2014 By Natasha Derbas 9:32 pm

    Hi Nat

    • October 29, 2014 By Natasha Derbas 9:34 pm

      Thank you for this. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  • October 30, 2014 By Jo 7:31 am

    What an awesome article! Well written.
    I was on the pill for 10 yrs for severe endometriosis, came off to have my beautiful baby boy 🙂
    After having my baby, doc put me back on and thats when i realised what the pill had been doing to me all these years! I’ve since taken myself off the pill after reading some of Nats articles and i’ve never felt better!!

  • October 30, 2014 By Diane Jurcola 2:36 pm

    Congratulations for speaking out Nat and encouraging women to ask questions and seek answers.
    Sometimes the pill is necesary for some women and thats ok.
    I agree the truth needs to be told how damaging the pill can be to some women, there definately needs to be more warning information on the pakaging.

  • October 30, 2014 By Tessa 3:24 pm

    What do you think about estrogen patches and bio-identical progesterone cream, in order to try to stimulate periods for someone with amenorrhea, who doesn’t produce their own estrogen or progesterone and has very low levels of LH and FSH?
    What kind of impact will this have on future cycles and gut flora…?

  • October 30, 2014 By bec 10:05 pm

    I had a twelve week period when I was a teenager I was put on the pill to stop me becoming ennemic. When I was 25 I had serve pains was rushed to hospitial and found out I had a mixed germ cell tumor. It had destroyed my ovary and it was removed, leaving me a odd kind of amputee. I am now 28 and I’ve been told I cannot go off the pill as it will increase my chances of getting a cyst on my last remaining ovary. I am at this point not sure if im infertile or not. Therefore im scared to go off the pill and lose my only ovary. Do you have a suggestiob for this? You seem to feel the pill is not a good solution but im not surebif I ha b e any choice.

  • October 31, 2014 By Catelyn 3:16 pm

    Nat, such a great article and such a shame ‘The Glow’ decided not to publish it. I think when we as women have to ask questions like “will the pill affect my fertility?” and “is it safe to stop my body from doing it’s natural process?” (which as you have taught us, when your on the pill your body isn’t doing its natal processes anyway!), our intuition is already us that there is something to be worried about when considering the pill. Thank you for getting the real truth out there, you are an inspiration and a pioneer for women’s wellness!

  • October 31, 2014 By Tan 3:25 pm

    I love this, Nat you are a GEM !
    I unfortunately have PCOS, Hashimoto’s and also Leaky gut. I was thrown on the pill by my doctor at the age of 16 to help with the pimples and I was ‘hairy’. I asked if I had PCOS and was told I was being silly because I wasn’t hairy like a man.
    After 8 years I am off the pill, its been 5 months and my body is only just starting to figure itself out. All thanks to my brilliant Naturopath.
    I firmly believe that if the root of my health problems were dealt with instead of being put on such a drug, I would be in a much better place regarding my health.
    Being educated by my naturopath about the importance of such a healthy lifestyle I can tell you that my views have drastically changed when it comes to modern medicine.
    Yes the pill does have some ‘perks’ but my god the downfalls and longterm effects are nasty. My gut is that out of whack that there is so much food that I can not tolerate, more than likely wont be able to tolerate for a very long time.
    Those worried about contraception, yes the pill is a very simple and easy option and the ‘Herbs & Vodka’ are probably going to make the unplanned pregnancy worse. My advice – Lay off the vodka, wear a condom. Now that there is cheap contraception.

  • November 1, 2014 By Elle Griffin 12:34 am


  • November 1, 2014 By Nada 12:56 am

    this is great! and you are great for standing up for all of us women and informing us, thank you!

  • November 1, 2014 By E B 4:20 am

    I came off the Pill in May 2013 after 12 years of being on it with no breaks, and have been through hell since. My body has had to re-learn how to produce and regulate its hormones without the pill, and I have gone for long stretches with no period whatsoever. I’ve also developed acne for the first time in my life. According to blood tests and ultrasounds my ovaries and hormone levels are perfectly normal, yet it’s only the last few months (more than a year after first ceasing usage of the pill) that I’ve menstruated every month. As many of you have said – the pill ‘band-aids’ your body so that you have no idea what is actually going on. By all means be on the pill (it has great positives too), but don’t use it as a cure-all for all sorts besides preventing unwanted pregnancy, as you WILL have to face these health issues eventually. Also, if you’re a woman like me who is reaching the point when she might want babies, come off it sooner rather than later so you can deal with the fallout! Many of my friends have miscarried after coming off it, and you never know what hidden reproductive issues you might have.

  • November 1, 2014 By Dianne 8:20 pm

    Yay yay and more yay. More sound and logical sense like this please.

  • November 2, 2014 By Carly 11:59 am

    I agree Nat.
    I work as a nurse at a public hospital and one day a week assist in a Gynae Outpatient Clinic. I have gone home so frustrated some days and on the verge of tears listening to what the Specialists tell some patients… comments such as ‘it’s good not to have periods’, ‘having periods is your body’s way of telling you that you failed’, ‘oh you aren’t getting your period? lucky you’…. the list goes on and its worrying. Luckily for me I have always known the benefits of natural medicine and have consistently taken the natural route for contraception and healing my PCOS. But there are women who don’t know these truths and only have a medically trained specialist to listen to (I know they’re not all the same but my experience tells me that mostly they are). No wonder women are confused. I work with several gynaecologists and they always, without fail, recommend medication, surgery or mirenas for a host of conditions that have a lot to do with underlying imbalances (imbalances that are NEVER addressed). It’s sad.
    Often I have thought… ‘my gosh, Nat would be appalled at hearing this’.
    Thank you for being a light in the darkness. I really appreciate you.

  • November 3, 2014 By E 3:16 pm

    Woohoooo!! Love it how you have the courage of your convictions Nat! Ladies, natural is always better. Our bodies are a gift, learn to listen to them and heal the real problems rather than masking the symptoms. Learn about your cycle, how your body works and natural contraception. Be kind to your body and strengthen your chances of conceiving when you’re ready. I wish I had known all that I know now and I would never have touched the pill.. My journey to have a baby has been a long and painful one despite being fit and healthy and I KNOW it’s directly related to being on the pill for the better part of a decade.
    For those that have said Nat was “just having a rant” and they “don’t feel enlightened”.. She was simply explaining that the pill is not good for our bodies.. If you want more detail about why, I recommend you read her 2 e books or her multitude of blogs hat explain it all!
    I commend you Nat on your message .. You’re a wellness warrior and I thank you xx

  • November 5, 2014 By angie 2:57 am

    I loved your article specially cause I had hormone problems since I was ten, I have never taken the pill but I’ve been told several times to do so due to several troubles with my period, I have been diagnosed with PCOS and lost a baby a month ago. I teully would love to know more about the treatment you offer and would like to know where can I email you or contact you, I live in Mexico.

  • November 7, 2014 By jennifer 7:34 pm

    Awesome article. Si much powerful informations.
    I’d love to know what kind of “alternative” to the pill you could suggest to me?
    Thanks! (sorry for my english, I’m french!)

  • November 10, 2014 By Audrey 11:05 pm

    Nat, that’s a fantastic article!! I love that we can read so much your passion into it. Great thinkers will always create great reactions, and I think you definitely got that here! 😉

  • November 19, 2014 By Jocelyn 1:12 pm

    Hi Nat,

    Thanks for sharing your experience on a misleading article. I have been diagnosed with lean pcos and have not gotten a natural period since coming off of the pill in August of 2013. I suffered with disordered eating for many years (limited calories, fat, etc.) and feel that this had something to do with my wacky hormones. The only thing I’m not completely sure about with the pcos diagnoses is my estradiol has been on the very low side (I have done both serum and saliva testing). Since I have come off of the pill and started trying to conceive I have adopted a high fat, low carb diet as this is supposed to be beneficial for women with pcos. Is there any other recommendations you might have in order to bring my period back? I’m starting to feel pretty hopeless after trying for a year and a half. Thank you!

  • December 15, 2014 By Kylie Ellis 8:39 pm

    Hallelujah!!! Finally… I have never understood why women are given the pill so they can primarily skip their periods for convenience. This has happened to a good deal of my friends and not one of them could tell me ‘what happens when you chemically force your body NOT to do what it is meant to do?’ I have PCOS and I must admit in saying that, I do not consider that I particularly suffer as some women do. My husband and I recently decided to try to conceive and I came off the pill. I suffered quite bad cramps and heavy flow days with my periods and the pill never seemed to deminish this at all but we found condoms just too unreliable for birth control purposes. My body seems to have ‘reclaimed’ control of my cycles and I have found it is happily ovulating as it should. I have swapped type of pill many times due to side effects. I went to see my doctor shortly before my wedding explaining that I was experiencing low libido and I felt it was due to the pill I was on. It seemed almost reflex for him to look at me like I was crazy and flat out said ‘Was I sure it wasn’t because I wasn’t attracted to my partner?’ I changed doctors!

  • February 27, 2015 By Cassandra 10:20 am

    Love this article Nat and I could not agree any more about the dangers of the pill! My period was regular and ‘normal’ until I started taking the OCD. I was on the pill for 4 years and it wasn’t until I stopped taking it that I realised the absolutely damage it had done. I didn’t get a period for a year and was diagnosed with PCOS- to which my gyno’s only reply was ‘there is nothing you can do about it- we can put you BACK on the pill to regulate your cycle again’. There was absolutely no way I was doing this, and after seeing a naturopath I am now implementing lots of diet and lifestyle changes and finally getting my hormones back on track!

  • September 17, 2015 By Nat Kringoudis 4:01 pm

    Sarah I’m sorry to hear of your loss. But yes, our bodies will tell us when they need support – sometimes it is difficult to listen. Stress really is a huge factor. You might like to check out my ecourse on stress – http://www.debunkingstress.com x

  • March 29, 2016 By Roxy Karas 10:19 pm

    Thanks Nat, great to read this, It really makes me feel happy about my decision to take a holistic approach to my endometriosis treatment. I was recently diagnosed and they were unable to take out specific nodules due to location. Since my recovery both my specialist and GP have both used fear to promote usage of the pill. They have told me that if I didn’t take the pill the growth would increase in size which is scary due to its location and that the chronic pain wouldn’t go away. I did 7 days on the pill and couldn’t do it any longer. I lead an extremely healthy lifestyle so I noticed the negative effects of the pill almost immediately. I am now using Ayurvedic medicine to treat the route cause (excess oestrogen) and also reduce stress (a key cause). Thanks again, I’m so happy I found your website. My journey has just begun but I will not lose faith that I could live pain free

    • March 29, 2016 By Nat Kringoudis 11:54 pm

      Perfect approach! Well done for listening to that inner voice – sounds like you are absolutely on the right track. I think what’s more – that the pill can’t actually fix the issue so until we get to the crux like you have, we can never actually solve the problem. I’m delighted you took the time to write this. xNK

  • October 19, 2016 By Pip 12:04 am

    Hi Nat, I was disappointed by the article because it didn’t actually answer the title question. I was sceptical about taking the pill and I’ve only been taking it for a short period of time after speaking with my doctor.
    I was hoping you could provide some concrete reasons as to what the bad effects are of taking the pill, but I couldn’t really find that here. I understand that it might not be completely natural, but that’s not really an answer to what happens when you skip your period. And what about those of us who take the pill but never skip periods?

    • October 23, 2016 By Nat Kringoudis 12:03 pm

      Hey Pip – my whole website is dedicated to this. Perhaps you might like to use the search function and type in the words ‘the pill’ where you will find many articles. Sadly the pill does cause long time concerns – unfortunately we aren’t always told this when it is being prescribed. Also bottom line remains, it is a known carcinogen, meaning it can be one of the contributing factors in our long term efforts to keep our bodies as healthy as possible. I think the article nicely answers many questions including what happens when we skip the pill but does go into further detail about what happens to your body whilst on the pill.

  • October 19, 2016 By Sarah 1:12 pm

    The thing is though that if you don’t skip periods there is pretty much no opportunity to have sex. You have the week of your period where you can’t do anything. You have the week beforehand where you can’t in case it starts early and you can’t do anything for the week afterward because so often when you think it’s winding down it ends up going for another few days and its not worth the risk. That gives you one week in which you can actually be physical with the person you love. That is simply not enough for me. I’ve tried it and I ended up only being intimate two or three times a month if that. When they invent a way to be natural but still have all the intimacy you want I’ll do it. But until then I love my partner and I love having freedom in our sex life. I’m surprised by how many people are saying their primary reason is PMS. I’ve never had any symptoms but I assume surely intimacy must be important to people too?

    • October 23, 2016 By Nat Kringoudis 12:01 pm

      Interesting Sarah – but if you are on the pill, you know when your period is coming so I’m not sure exactly what you mean. In any case, the only time personally I can’t be intimate is during my period which is 5 days.

  • November 30, 2018 By Shanna Willie 6:56 am

    While this is a great article with good information it fails to answer the question, “what really happens when you skip your period.”
    What happens?? What happens with the hormones? When does it “reset itself?” What can I do to encourage my body to reset itself?
    So many questions. Ugh. This article has the wrong title.

    • March 6, 2019 By Nat Kringoudis 2:57 pm

      I feel like I did answer this – if you skip one, probably nothing happens. The real question is, being on the pill is a constant ‘skip’ of the period and that’s where the long term problems may lie.

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