My *new* affiliate program!

As you’d all know, I’ve just recently released my first (!) ebook, Fertilise yourself. I’ve now set up an affiliate program for my ebooks, and would love to help you make some extra money sharing them with your readers…

If you’re interested, read on.

You’ll be making 30% off every sale!

So for my Fertilise Yourself ebook, that’s $5.70!

Here’s how to get through it all:

Sign up to my affiliate program with ejunkie. Simply click here
Once you’re signed up and logged in look for the ‘affiliates’ tab and go to it.
Then click the ‘affiliate admin’ link.
Select ‘get affiliate code’
Select the ebook you want, and then select the ‘get affiliate link’ button.
This takes you to a page which displays the code. You can then copy and paste the code wherever you’re wanting to promote the ebook! The URL part of the code can also be used to link to a banner image – or it can be tweeted, or shared across any form of social media, or emailed…
If you’d like a banner for the ebook, feel free to use this one:




  • August 9, 2012 By Jessica 12:50 am

    Hi Nat,

    Do you think your ebook would benefit me, i am oestrogen dominant? Have been for approx 10 years, tried absolutely everything to correct it and dont fit the typical mould for it (not overweight, non smoker, non drinker etc). Im not in a relationship or trying for a baby but, i hope to one day and im trying to ‘fix’ my body for that day if it ever arrives. Thank you.

  • September 17, 2014 By Ann-Maree 12:35 pm

    Hi there,

    I have sighed up to e-junkie however I can not find your e-books anywhere to get the code?

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