You’re about to very quickly learn a lot about me. There are a few staples in my life that I can’t live without. I’m a breakfast girl – I always have been. I’d happily skip dinner (but I don’t), most likely because I rely on breakfast to set me up for the day. This post was supposed to be ‘one day on a plate’ – that is, my day of food for you to see. But I had to laugh, I started finding images to put together and quickly found a lot of breakfasts, all variations of each other! So here you will see, variations of my day on a plate – trust me, it pretty much looks like this most of the time!
Egg’s are an everyday occurance in my house. I’m a huge fan of the poach and I think I do a damn fine job. I dislike the ‘scrambled until they are like rubber’ variety – if I scramble, they are still only just cooked as you will see above – eggs, eggs and more eggs! Eggs are a complete meal and the perfect balance of fat and protein – and you may very well know by now, that’s one slip stream to fertility because our hormones are made up of these very elements – fats and protein. Plus – I don’t crave food at night time when I eat this way.
Tea. Tea is another huge part of my day which is totally fitting that I am the Ambassador for Your Tea. I sip all day mostly on your tea’s, her tea, I also love liquorice, lemongrass and ginger and rooibos. Is tea, is good.
That brings us to lunch!
I’m nuts about Salmon. I could live of the stuff. But don’t over cook it – bleugh! For me, it has to be just cooked so it is still soft. And source the best quality you can find – never sacrifice on quality. Full of essential fatty acids.
Dinner – being winter time here in Australia, I make a lot of soup! My kids also love soup which makes me thing – who am I to argue? Here are two of my faves – pumpkin soup and chicken and veggie soup.
And snacks? I don’t really find I need to snack very often with all this goodness! But when I do – they look like this (all that is missing are our amazeballs!)
Like what you see here? Many of these recipes are available on my fertilise yourself recipe site. Share the love and share the link to that site – I created it for that very reason!
I’d love to hear what your best go to meal is. You can inspire me!
Hi Nat,
I’m having trouble finding wild salmon in Adelaide. Can you help at all? It’s my favourite food but I don’t want to buy farmed.
I have heard that you can get Wild Alaskan Salmon in the Central Markets in Adelaide. Try Angelakis Brothers.
Hi Nat,
is ‘her tea’ ok to drink when pregnant? It doesn’t say on their website. We’re in the process of trying and I LOVE liquorice tea but it says on the packet not to have when pregnant 🙁 I want to find something that’s just as tasty (for my sweet tooth) that I can keep having once I fall pregnant.
It’s best to wait until after the baby comes to use your tea. Licorice is an interesting one – it really would depend on your constitution. From a TCM perspective it’s very supportive and tonifying. x
Thank you!
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