You’ve actually already met my vegie gal pal, healthtalks guest-host for season 3 and all round beauty Adele. You’ve seen her in action on your screen – but I wanted you all to get to know her a little more. She is such a delight – I love her to bits. So lets learn a little more about the vegan goddess.
Here goes! Over to you Adele.
Just over 2 and a half years ago, health enthusiast Adele launched her food and recipe website, To her surprise, what started off as a hobby soon received worldwide recognition, so much so that Vegie Head was recently crowned the 2012 Vegan Blog/Website of the Year.
With over 200, 000 unique monthly visits to her website (and growing), it comes as no surprise that Adele has made a significant impact to the online world of food blogs. Vegie Head is a vegan recipe website – with a difference. There is no ‘preaching’ just delicious, healthy, colourful and fresh food. Even non-vegans are using the recipes to add inspiration the their regular meals as the recipes are so easily adapted.
Adele has made appearances on websites, blogs, social media pages, in published magazines and recipe books. She has been interviewed online with and her YouTube channel has received over 170,000 views. In response to the growing demand for unique and healthy plant-based recipes Adele has written her first 2 e-books which are sold online. She has also just completed first published recipe book which will be released and sold in 40 countries.
Adele works with Celebrities, Athletes, Chefs, Café owners and anyone interested in a plant based diet. She writes for national magazines and newspapers.
How did you become Vegie Head?
By complete accident! I bought an amazing camera, and started taking photos of my dog, my garden and my un-willing husband (he hates photos!). Then I began taking photos of my food and posting them on Facebook; where all of my friends would ask me for the recipes. I then built the website and before I knew it, it was gaining such popularity and I was posting a new recipe everyday. The website currently has over 350 recipes, 2 ebooks (3 more on the way!), over 200,000 visitors each month and it’s still growing! I have a published book that is with my editors at the moment; that will be sold online and in over 40 countries when it is released later this year. I also run private cooking classes, workshops and health food store walk throughs.
What do you love most about what you do?
The ability to touch people through food. I love giving them an experience with cooking! Knowing that the food they eat is healthy, delicious and contains all the good stuff makes me happy. Also the emails I get each day with people sending me photos of my recipes gives me such a buzz!
What is your fave go to meal on the run?
I usually carry homemade trail mix, vegie sticks, homemade hommus and guacamole with me. I also drink coconut water on the go and love carrying around some delicious raw chocolate for a treat!
What is your favourite quote?
‘Those who are certain of the outcome, can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety’ – A course in miracles
What’s the one thing you want the world to know? Your message
Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop. No matter what life throws at you, accept it and use it. Turn it into a strength and never falter in your self belief. You are the only one who can choose your life!
If you could cook for anyone in the world who would it be
Ellen Degeneres of course!
Connect with Adele on Facebook, Twitter and
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