Meet my lovely co-author Andi Lew. You may have seen her as my wing girl, she’s been on your telly, in your magazines as a writer and she loves to share and present on all things wellness. Today I’m digging into what makes her human and what she loves to do most.
What does fertility mean to you?
Just like fertile soil, it’s a body that’s thriving!
What is one ritual or practice that you do that connects you back to yourself as a woman?
What connects me back to me is my chiropractic visits. Taking pressure off my nervous system and allowing me to perceive the world better, adapt to stress and co-ordinate all body parts.
If you could tell your teen self one piece of advice about health/fertility/hormones, what would it be?
Love yourself and be kind to yourself. Going through puberty was very scary for me.
Would you change something you did in previous years with regard to fertility and health? If so what might that be?
DO NOT TAKE the Pill!
What ignites you?
Educating others who are keen to learn more about optimal health and healing.
What’s your one essential health item?
Chiropractic care
Favourite food?
My orange and chia seed cake!
Favourite movie or book?
Movie – Pay it Forward. Book- Eat Fat Be Thin. How could I not be proud?
Cheesy addiction?
BJJ martial arts training, when I can! I love the grappling martial art and getting to choke my friends!
Morning or Evening routine?
Follow my almost four year old around as he explores, learns and makes a mess while I try and be super mum and work! Haha! What routine? He is divine and so excited to be alive.
More about Andi
A natural nurturer and advocate for healthy living, Andi Lew is a health professional, television presenter and author.
Andi is a qualified paediatric massage instructor, chiropractic assistant and a regular guest on radio and TV shows where she is often approached for advice on natural health and how to stay thin and fit.
She is a TV and radio personality presenting on a variety of shows about natural health and parenting. She writes regularly on health for magazines such as Ultra Fit and Australian Natural Health, and blogs for model mum Miranda Kerr’s KORA Organics website.
Andi is co-author of international top seller 7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to Tell You, Eat Fat Be Thin and Eat Fat, Be Lean and author of natural parenting guide The Modern Day Mother.
A dedicated mother and educator, you can visit her website, connect on facebook or find her on instagram – eatfatbethin.
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