Good Food Friday: Helen Walker's Nourishing Choc-Chia Tart

It makes me super happy to bring you this recipe today from the lovely Helen Walker. I have had the privilege of knowing Helen for some time now and it’s been awesome watching her absolutely soar in all that she is doing. That’s just about enough from me, I know you’re drooling all over your keyboard waiting to go and make this yummo tart. Enjoy!

Nourishing Choc-Chia Tart


1 1/2 cups almond flour
1/2 cup chia seeds
3 tablespoons rice malt syrup
3 tablespoons coconut oil
1/4 cup raw cacao powder
Pinch Himalayan sea salt


1⁄2 cup raw cacao powder
1/2 cup chia seeds, soaked for 20 minutes in filtered water
3 tablespoons coconut oil
1 cup brown rice malt syrup
Pinch Himalayan sea salt


For the crust, process all ingredients until blended, and press into the bottom and sides of a tart tin
Freeze the tin while you prepare the filling
Process all filling ingredients until combined and smooth
Remove crust from freezer and pour the filling mixture into the crust
Return to freezer until the mixture is set (at least an hour)
Remove 5 minutes before serving, and return any leftovers to refrigerator

If tart is too hard to cut, heat the knife under hot water for a few seconds immediately before slicing

This recipe is based on the Decadent Chocolate Tart recipe in Helen’s eBook Coconut Oil: 50 Recipes for Inside + Out.

Helen Walker is a Health and Fitness Coach who is passionate about working with women to push past their limits and create their best life ever. She works with women who know that they are capable of more. Way more. But are just stuck and don’t know how to break free.

You can connect with Helen online:

Facebook: thehelenwalker
Instagram: @thehelenwalker
Twitter: @_helenwalker

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