Good Food Friday : Cleansers Apple Crumble

Here’s one from the archives! For those of you cleansing, this is for you. For those of you who didn’t join in – it’s a super delicious treat you can add to your weekend delights! And for those of you participating in round two – come 5th November, this is a taste of what is to come. You don’t go hungry on my gentle body cleanse. It’s not too late to register your interest. Just email me.

Those of you coming off the cleanse OR those of you who want to experience better health and fertility – remember you can access my mini site at any time for FREE. Go check it out. It looks pretty rad on your pad or phone. It provides some great post cleanse recipes that promise to deliver on the taste front and pump up the wellness factor!

Cleansers Apple Crumble

Cleansers will welcome this one as it comes as a sweet treat for your weekend. Apples are a wonderfully cleansing food. They are full of antioxidents, canter fighting properties, good for your heart and assist in weight loss. What are you waiting for? Just beware, Hayley will be over in an instant if you do whip it up tonight!

4 apples
2 peaches
1 cup of rolled oats
1/2 cup of crasins (or sultanas)
1/2 cup of walnuts/almonds (or nuts of your choice)
1/4 sunflower seeds

Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees.
Peel apples and cut into chunks. Place in a saucepan with 1 cup of water and bring to the boil.
Once boiling, gently simmer for approx 15 – 20 minutes or until the apples are soft.
Remove from heat and set aside.
Strain liquid but keep for later use.
In a bowl combine dry ingredients.
In a baking dish, place apples in the bottom to cover the dish.
Sprinkle dry ingredients on top.
Once done, pour 1/2 cup of the left over juice over the top of the dry ingredients and place in the oven – cook for 15-20 minutes, checking regularly or until the top is golden brown. Enjoy!


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