This woman literally change my life for REAL! I’m so excited to be able to have her on The Wellness Collective Podcast for Episode 14 – Getting Richer In Life With Pam Grout!
Multiple New York Times Best Seller and Author of 19 (yes 19) books, Pam Grout joins us in this episode for a deeper discussion surrounding the idea that we create what happens to us in each and every moment. But what about other people? Can we control what other people do to us? Pam chats with us about quantum physics, coping with stress and pain, what to do with the negative people in your life and how to move away from the constant state of fear and anxiety our fast paced lives have propelled us into. So many gems in this episode!
Listen via podcast one or on iTunes.
Here’s what you get in this episode;
2:00 – Pam Grout- not only is she a multiple New York best selling author is an all round purveyor of happiness!
3:00 – Can we manifest what happens in our lives? Pam shares how your thoughts create your world.
5:40 – We discuss how much control do we have over the people around us… (and our kids?)
6:40 – Why Pam thinks “hard” is the most dangerous word in the English language and calls Nat out on it!
8:20 – How do we best cope with stress?
9:10 – I ask Pam the question, do we have to go through the pain to learn?
11:10 – Pam compares manifestation to quantum physics.
12:30 – We talk about the power of positive thinking and what to do with negative people.
15:00 – Cecelia asks Pam why we tend to live in a state of fear and anxiety all the time and Pam puts things right into perspective.
16:55 – Pam talks about spirituality and the influence it can have on us.
18:25 – Tips on how to deal with negative and sceptical people around us AND our own negative thoughts.
21:40 – The importance of gratitude – check out Pam’s take on it.
26:50 – Pam calls me out (again) on using the term “crappy” experience.
27:40 – We ask Pam for some tips and tricks to cope in difficult moments.
29:40 – Cecelia and I give our own tips and tricks on how to deal with “crappy” situations.
We absolutely LOVE it when you listen, discuss and on the top of the list – RATE US! So if you don’t mind, please take a few moments to rate the podcast, we promise we will keep delivering for you!
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