Remember a few weeks ago, I asked you to ask me the questions? You know – your fertility questions you wanted answered? Well, this is another of our reader questions that were put forward…
“So, I guess my question is, does an ectopic pregnancy change the approach you take from a nutritional standpoint if you’re thinking about having a baby?”
Great news is – no matter what the history, I generally apply the same basic nutritional advice (think ‘Fertilise Yourself‘ as your go-to). In fact, everybody benefits from the ‘fertile diet’ (and please, try do away with the word diet, this isn’t a short-term fix, it’s a way of living). As we have discussed, it is imperative to get the mix of hormones working well – and to do this, adequate protein and fat must be consumed. That’s 30% of each meal when we are talking fat factor! Many are bowled for a six to hear this, but it really is contributing to the growing number of fertility issues. And before you gasp and shut the pantry door with a bang, here’s an interesting thought. 50 years ago, when people ate full fat everything, they weren’t fat. They were healthy and well and fertile. Nobody got fat from eating fat. They got fat form eating rubbish (sugar and nu-trick-ious foods full of empty promises). So please, don’t be afraid to pump up the fat factor.
But when it comes to ectopic pregnancies on the whole, the way I treat at a clinical level will differ from patient to patient – all because no two people present the same. Whilst we will all benefit form eating less refined foods, and more fat and protein, we don’t all benefit from the same treatment. So many factors will influence how we treat a female’s (and male’s) fertility. Her constitution, her menstrual cycle, right down to her bowel motions and over-night toilet trips – I need to know it all before I can make draw conclusions and nut out a treatment plan.
Last week in the clinic I wore a jacket I had made whilst on a overseas trip. The comments came in steadily throughout the day – that not only were people saying it was beautiful but also that it fit perfectly. I like to think of our approach to fertility and health in the clinic in the same way. It’s made to fit and so it is ideal. You see, if a woman has a short cycle, we can’t treat her the same way we do, a woman with no menstrual cycle. That wouldn’t work. And by the same token, we can’t prescribe the same acupuncture and herbal formula to a woman who has period pain before her period begins, as opposed to one who has it once the period is over. It’s quite simple to see why, but not something we are often encouraged to think about. In the west, we label period pain ‘dysmenorrhea’ no matter when it occurs.
My main motivation to write the e-book was to help provide a solid foundation for those about to embark on their fertility journey. Best of all, it is totally appropriate to those trying for a baby, those who are already pregnant, breastfeeding, with hormonal imbalances (like headaches or period pain) and those wanting to experience wellness and deliver that to their families. It’s a one stop shop with all the tools and the recipes to set you up and keep you going.
Got a question you would like answered? Send it through, I’d love to help!
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Hi I’m wondering if a women can still be pregnant despite negative blood tests?
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