Sales are my FAVOURITE and with my knee deep in podcast launches (did you see we’re moving to podcast one and relaunching The Period Party?), as well as a looming deadline for a book manuscript, you may be feeling a little abandoned. Forever the giver, I want to make sure you have everything you need to get you through the weekend, since half the world stops and is one sale, I figure we should be too.
So whilst you may be getting ready for thanksgiving (I mean there’s so much to be grateful for no matter where you live), I’m dropping by to say ALL courses are on SALE until midnight Monday 27th.
All you need is the code ‘cybermonday50’ at checkout for 50% off courses!
Now if you’re not sure what’s for you, here’s the run down (because bargains like this don’t come around all that often.
Debunking Ovulation – all you need to know about understanding your cycle for contraception OR conception (technically we can’t call it contraception because there are no synthetic hormones involved but you get my drift!). I also go into male fertility, cervical issues and how you can steer your body back to health and tips on overcoming general hormone imbalance. The e-course is appropriate for all – we cover PCOS, long cycles, short cycles and everything in-between to really help you understand yourself better.
Debunking PCOS – the name does speak for itself but this is my 5 steps to addressing and overcoming PCOS. I go through simple fixes that can make dramatic change to your life.
Debunking Stress – our most popular ecourse not only shows you where your stress might be coming from (because let me tell you it’s not necessarily a pending deadline and it might not be what you think!) and tangible tools you can implement immediately to help you get a grasp on stress and show it who’s boss! This is a must for all.
Debunking your Thyroid – thyroid issues are rife and often contribute to hormone imbalance and fertility issues. In this ecourse I help you understand your test results, look at why your thyroid is in trouble and how you can lead it back to health once again.
To shop all courses, click . If you have any questions, I’m jumping on a Facebook LIVE 2pm Nov 23rd to kick off the party!
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