I’m super delighted to feature the gorgeous Rachel MacDonald here today. I like to think of Rachel as one of my ‘wellness sisters’ and part of the wellness pack we’re so fortunate to have here in Australia (you know – a bit like the brat pack but we’re uber sensible!) She’s the author of the gorgeous blog In Spaces Between and the co Author of Spirited & Spirited Companion alongside Tara Bliss (you’ve met before). She shares today of what fertility means to her and why killer pythons just aren’t a suitable dinner. No Rach, they just aren’t. I love her.
What does fertility mean to you?
A body that’s in harmony and primed to conceive. Expanding that out a little further, fertility for me means bountiful, abundant. Creative. Lush. Feminine. Womanly. Connected. In flow.
What is one ritual or practice that you do that connects you back to yourself as a woman?
There’s plenty in my toolkit, but I have to say the biggie for me, particularly at the moment as I’ve been making a conscious effort to get off the computer and move my body far more, is exercise.
When I’ve hit my groove on a long run and the energy is dancing through me from the soles of my feet to the top of my head, or when I surrender on my yoga mat, I feel strong and supple in my body, fluid, flexible, blissed out and fully present to the ‘divine feminine.’ That’s the feeling. Soft and strong; light and fierce. Phwoar!
If you could tell your teen self 1 piece of advice about health/fertility/hormones, what would it be?
Rach, please stop partying so much. And: Allen’s Killer Python’s are not a substitute for dinner.
Would you change something you did in previous years with regard to fertility and health? If so what might that be?
I’ve never taken the Pill (I know!) and I credit my intuition for that. Something just did not seem ‘right’ about it, and now, following all the beautiful work you do, I feel incredibly grateful for that nudge from my body. As mentioned above though, I definitely could have have slept far more, and drank far less in my late teens and early twenties. The FOMO got me every time!
Nat: I have goose bumps!!
What ignites you?
The burning desire to live a big, beautiful, deeply fulfilling life where love, service and soul lead the way (always).
What’s your one essential health item?
Filtered water. I guzzle the stuff all day long, and feel it in my skin, my mood and my energy levels if I’m not drinking enough. I also LOVE swimming in the ocean as often as I can.
Favourite food?
I’m going to preface my answers for the next two questions with this: I’m absolutely terrible at choosing favourites! Ever-changing? Multi-passionate? Master experimenter? Guilty as charged. But I will say this – anything healthy and Asian steals my heart. Oh and quinoa. And raw chocolate. (of course).
Favourite movie or book?
I have two bookshelves that are bursting at the seams with self-empowerment books and memoirs, and two of my faves are Cheryl Strayed’s Wild and Tiny Beautiful Things.
Cheesy addiction?
I’m quite partial to a bit of 70’s and 80’s soft rock. Phil Collins. Toto. Yep. Not even ashamed.
Nat: I understand. We could so have a sing off! I mean – if Lionel could be added to the list.
Morning or Evening routine?
My morning routine can change slightly day to day but mostly it looks like outdoor exercise, meditation, choosing a one-word intention for the day and a gorgeous big smoothie before diving in to work.
Some super exciting news – Rachel is launching an e-course on blogging and authentic self-expression in early February. Keep an eye on her site for more information!!
Rachel MacDonald is a life and blog coach, soul-centred writer and speaker, and was selected as one of Problogger’s ‘Top 15 Bloggers to Watch in 2013.’ She is also the co-author of Spirited: Soulful Lessons on Clarity, Connection + Coming Home (to You) and Spirited 2014 Companion: Spirited Solutions to What’s Holding You Back.
With unwavering enthusiasm, electric insights and a whole lotta heart, Rachel guides passion-fuelled women out of fear and uncertainty, and into lives and businesses they love (and truly desire).
Rachel believes in big ideas, fresh perspectives, freedom, self-love, beach runs and your innate brilliance. Clarity meets creativity, intention meets inspired action. That’s her special brand of magic.
Connect with Rachel at In Spaces Between, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
1 Comment
Great interview. You both inspire me a lot. Thank you
Carly x
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