The e-book goes ‘iBook.’ PLUS an extra’s site – just for YOU.

This is a preview of the mini site – available as part of the ibook or by contacting us. Details below.

I’m super thrilled to announce that my e-book ‘fertilise yourself’ is now available at the iBook store! Something happens when you pop your book over to ibooks. It goes from being a very pretty PDF, to a book that looks like… a very plain book! Obviously the content doesn’t change, but visually, the book does look different. Given that ‘fertilise yourself’ is not just tips and tricks, but a visual delight, I didn’t want the ibook buyers to miss out, soooo… we are really excited to introduce to you our ‘fertilise yourself extras mini site’ (don’t say that with a mouthful of food – unless it’s a recipe from the book itself of course)!

What is the Extra’s site? It’s your one-stop-shop, for all the visual material in the book that can’t make its way to the iBook. I want to offer, to all those who have purchased the e-book, the opportunity to access this site. It works like an app on your phone, holding all the recipes and visual aids that made the e-book it’s beautiful self.

Here’s a few samples:



It’s really easy to use – it looks just like an app! You can navigate you way around all the recipes for an easier reference – some of the images have had an overhaul too.

Want access? Please email us – to gain it. It looks fab on your phone or iPad.

And if you want the iBook version – you can purchase it here, from the apple book store. Now you can happily read it from anywhere!

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