Did you see it? My LIVE webinar with Aimee Raupp today?
I had a blast sharing how you can supercharge your health and overcome fertility challenges on The Fertility Solution webinar with my friend and fellow fertility expert (and TCM Dr), Aimee Raupp. Missed it? Watch the replay right here and learn how you can take back the power over your health & fertility!
I’ve got something incredible to share today – for all those ready to be mama’s!
Perhaps you are more than ready to prepare your body for your dream baby? We’ve got your back. Enroll in the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant E-Course, and Aimee will walk you through it every single step of the way. Plus, when you enroll using the promo code KRINGOUDIS you will receive my amazing bonus of an electronic copy of Well & Good, FREE!
With almost ten hours of video content, this e-course is a conglomeration of all Aimee has learned since writing, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, plus the latest research and advice on enhancing fertility. In the program you will learn to:
- Optimize your health & enhance your fertility
- Improve egg & sperm quality (even if you’re over 40!)
- Balance your hormones
- Improve AMH & FSH levels
- Manage PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, cysts & premature ovarian aging
- Shift your mindset so you can get back to believing in your body and its ability to get and stay pregnant.
- Feel more supported on your path to pregnancy.
This e-course is open for enrollment until April 3rd, so now’s your opportunity to work with Aimee from the comfort of your own home and do the same program that I did to improve my fertility.
For me, I’m off to Perth to continue to share the goodness, but I couldn’t help myself and share this with you before I got on that jet plane! Get on it peeps, this one is far too good to miss! Plus, you can get pregnant – we know it.
If your past your baby making days, we know you’ll have somebody you love to bits that you can share this with! Pass on the love. We dare you. 😉
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