Thyroid, adrenals or both?  How to know where to start when your bloods seem OK

It’s easy to get thyroid and adrenal symptoms confused… But when you collate them, you can get a really clear picture of the internal landscape of your body and begin to focus on what’s truly going on.

If you haven’t worked it out by now, I’m going to spell it out.  Your hormones are interconnected like a really complex domino display – flick one over and they can either all follow the right path, or if there’s one slightly out of place, it’s potentially an avalanche.

In this week’s podcast, we spoke about hormone testing, but the truth is – signs and symptoms are often your best guide. They’re never wrong and won’t lead you on a bum steer. So, it’s important to look at exactly what your body is telling you, each and every day.

The list below summarises some of the common symptoms related to the thyroid and the adrenals.

Thyroid and adrenal symptoms

Depression ongoing Depression sometimes
Frequent hair loss Sometimes hair loss
Puffy eyes Sunken eyes
Fluid retention No fluid issues
Sore joints and muscles Headaches & migraines
Stable blood pressure Elevated blood pressure
Infrequent palpitations Palpitations
Constipation Diarrhoea
Commonly Type B Commonly Type A
Constantly tired Wakes 2 – 4am


There are many more symptoms that relate to both the thyroid and adrenals, which commonly get mixed up.

You can, of course, have both but you’ll typically find that there is one that is more dominant.

I’ve shared about the OAT (ovary – adrenal – thyroid) axis here before.  It’s important to take your symptoms and step deeper in to find even more clues. The OAT triangle loves to be in balance. Just like the dominoes, any change in one will affect the next.

The root cause of any disruption is always STRESS.

So how’s this for fun:

  • if the ovaries are weak, it can affect the adrenals, weaken the thyroid and result in adrenal fatigue and hypothyroid
  • imbalanced adrenals worsen hypothyroid and contribute to oestrogen dominance
  • hypothyroid worsens adrenal weakness and affects ovary function.

Now that I’ve fried your brain in just 400 words, let’s get this sorted for you.

If you’re struggling with your thyroid, there is so much you can do to take back control. What’s more, not only may we get confused between the thyroid and the adrenals, thyroid issues can mimic early menopause.  This may be because, under stress, the adrenals can become tired, shifting your body into conservation mode OR it may be because of the imbalance of your thyroid hormones causing symptoms like hot flashes, fluid retention, poor sleep and fatigue.

Whatever your symptoms, I’ve got you covered.

Debunking Your Thyroid Masterclass has your back, AND in just a few short hours will help you show your thyroid who’s boss once again.

In this masterclass, we go through why your thyroid and adrenals are misbehaving, how to read your test results (no you aren’t going crazy) and a plan of action to lead your body back to happier days. We talk about your adrenals too!

Debunking Your Thyroid Masterclass with Nat Kringoudis

You’ll get access to the masterclass videos, course notes, a copy of my book, and access to the private Facebook community to really support your health and quickly move things in the right direction.

Click here to shop and be sure to pass the love around.


  • April 10, 2018 By Jo 9:44 pm

    Hi Nat, I am 38 years old and have endometriosis (presenting as a cyst on my ovary). Over the last few months, I’ve been feeling really listless, depressed and suffering from PMT. Last year I went through a year with anxiety episodes (heart palpitations at night, terrible outbreaks of eye eczema for the first time ever) but I thought I was over all that. However, now I just feel low and struggling to pull myself out of the rut and all my thoughts tend to be very negative (I am not normally like this!)
    I eat healthily and exercise every day. I was wondering whether it could be adreanal? Or thyroid related? My cousin had adrenal fatigue and my nan had thyroid issues. My thyroid gland is enlarged but when I get it checked, it always comes back in the ‘normal’ range. Any thoughts?

    • April 10, 2018 By Nat Kringoudis 10:36 pm

      Yes quite possibly. 20% of people with thyroid issues have depression/anxiety and it is a result of the thyroid/adrenals. I know you’d LOVE the masterclass. It gives you tools you can begin to action straight away which are super easy and achievable. I’m here if you need further help. x

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