10 Miscarriages later Nicole Bijlsma began to wonder if her home environment was to blame. In a quest to sort out her fertility she revealed a minefield of information that supported her fears. From EMF’s to mould and bacteria she learnt how...
Read moreOne Easy Solution To Balanced Hormones (plus a real fix to your stretch marks…)
(spon) It’s fair to say, there can be many contributing factors to your hormone problems. Perhaps you have a diagnosed issue like Poly Cystic Ovarianne Syndrome (PCOS) or Endometriosis, or maybe you suffer from Pre Menstrual Tension (PMS) or...
Read moreWhat’s Causing Your Heavy Bleeding?
Your body, each and every day is talking to you in weird and wonderful ways. Sometimes gentle and other times it’s like a fog horn to our eardrums, the words it is speaking to us can be overwhelming at best, especially if we don’t...
Read moreMy New Friends Set On Saving Your Hormones – Pure Papaya Care.
It takes a crap load of anything to shock me these days, but what I’m about to tell you, I’m pretty sure will shock you too. In fact it’s almost a health and safety announcement. Now, before I go on, it needs to be said, this...
Read moreHealthy Hormone Series – Oestrogen explained
The most female of all hormones, oestrogen often gets a bad wrap because for many women, let’s just say, the struggle is real. When oestrogen is out of balance, life can be tough. Here’s why. Whilst oestrogen is predominantly made in...
Read moreIs your oestrogen to blame for your headaches?
No word of a lie, two migraines in four days had my mind in a spin. Actually, four days out of action gave me so much time for contemplation and analysis – for me, not something I’m necessarily used to having. First up I have to say...
Read moreSoy – the good, the bad and the ugly.
You know what I love most? I love it when you email me questions to give me a little insight into your world. And a recent mail that hit my account (as well as feature several times in the latest ‘ask Dr Nat’ that pops up over on...
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