Three years ago, almost to the date, life as I knew it changed forever. Not only had our happy little family gone from 3 – 4 and I was in the early stages of wrangling a newborn, I received a phone call that shook my bones beyond that...
Read moreWhy you should never listen to anyone but your inner voice
In high school, one of my teachers told me I would never make it as a musician. I was floored but I believed them. Not too long after, I was told by another teacher that I had very average writing skills and if I wanted to get a decent grade, I...
Read morebecause words are just words…
At times, my use of words and language get’s a front row seat under the spotlight. I like to use words like ‘fertility’ and ‘toxins’ and ‘wellness’ or ‘health’ to describe a state of being or...
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