Imagine what the world would be like if judging women on their appearance and being on a diet wasn’t so normalized. Nutritional therapy consultant and strength coach, Steph Gaudreau, discusses the impact of “diet culture” on women’s...
Read morePP Episode #108 – Under-Eating and Its Connection to Hormone Problems with Laura Schoenfeld
Dieting is pretty common in most cultures and it seems there’s always a new fad diet to try out. But, could these diets actually be doing more harm than good? Registered Dietitian, Laura Schoenfeld, talks about how under-eating impacts our...
Read moreHow to have beautiful hair
Hair. Let’s be perfectly honest with ourselves. We ALL want hot hair. I love hair and I know if I can make mine work for me, I feel nice. Often when I post pictures of my own hair, I get many, many comments. I too am slightly hair...
Read moreGood Food Friday: Buddha Bowls
This weeks recipe is one the foodies have been LOVING and it’s pretty hard to miss these beautiful creations all over your social media feed. So we thought we’d jump on board and feature this yummy recipe from Olives & Garlic The...
Read moreFoodie Feature: Veggie “Sushi” Rolls
This weeks yummy recipe comes from a beautiful blog by the name of Nutrition Stripped We absolutely love this recipe- firstly because it contains Nori which is amazing for your thyroid function (think energy levels and weight management) and is...
Read moreGood Food Friday: Homemade hormone therapy smoothie
Today’s recipe is one we absolute love! It’s something our friend, Fiona Harrington from @fihealthnut has whipped up to take care of our precious hormones. “When it comes to my own health, I find that I’m always...
Read moreYOUR Good Food Friday. Thank you for cleansing with me!
Friday! The final day of my Gentle Body Cleanse. I cannot tell you how much I have loved every second of this last week! Not only because I too have been cleansing and given my body some much needed TLC but I have been riding your wave of...
Read moreAre you suffering from a whole food hangup?
Image found here Don’t flog me for saying this, but it’s been on my mind for a real long while. Being honest, open and raw I believe is part of me not only being truthful to you, my reader, but also to myself. So here goes...
Read moreGood Food Friday – Zucchini Sproodle Salad
Today is the last day of our March Gentle Body Cleanse. The feedback I get from my cleanses is phenomenal and if you are feeling the love today, I’d love to hear from you in the comment section below – how are you feeling and how...
Read moreGood Food Friday: Sugar free goodness and a giveaway you can’t miss!
Oh my little loins, will you look at what’s being served up today?! If anybody wants to make this recipe for me and drop it in, feel free. I have to say Hummingbird cake is my all time favourite. With recipes this good – nobody is...
Read moreGood Food Friday: Mel Ambrosini’s raw-chocolate-cherry brownie
You know my wellness sista and beautiful friend Melissa Ambrosini (in fact I was with her last night at the Self Love and Sisterhood event! Winning!!). You’ve met her on healthtalks and she’s featured on my site before. She’s...
Read moreA mid-week treat: raw cacao fudge bites
With all this cleansing talk, I’m hoping you feel inspired to make healthier creations from ingredients that go amazing things for your body. This recipe is via my good friend Mel Ambrosini. She’s one of my co-hosts on healthtalks and...
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