This article was brought to my attention during the week. It shared about one young girls horrible struggle with endometriosis – an issue us chicks are no strangers to. Not long after I saw a call to action to sign a petition to have visanne – a drug to help ‘manage’ (aka symptoms) Endometriosis, begging for it to be made available here in Australia asap. My heart broke. I personally suffered from endometriosis for many years. I was that girl lying on the bathroom floor. I was that girl who would vomit and pass out in a hot sweat due to the pain. I was that girl who lived on heavy painkillers for the first 2, sometimes 3 days of my menstrual cycle. I was that girl who felt like my uterus was being ripped out each and every month. True to my word, I hated my period with a passion. I hated it because I knew no young girl should ever have to experience such pain. Ever. And so with the same amount of angst, I understand both that young girl and her mothers heartache in that article. Watching our loved ones suffer is nothing short of torture. For me, watching others suffer when they can actually do something proactive and extremely effective… heartbreaking. Waiting for treatments to be available – really? What are we actually waiting for if we want to be the best version of ourselves?
I have to say, as I type, I feel pretty darn frustrated. For all the work we are doing, for all the drums we are drumming, I wish the message of happy hormones would spread like the clappers to end the torture. Instantly, it would help us to start to love our bodies so much more, because we’d be closer to living toward wellness and we’d be for the most part, pain free. Seems, this message isn’t spreading fast enough.
Endometriosis occurs when cells that belong in the uterus make their way into other areas of the body uninvited – typically outside (but nearby) the uterus. However as endometriosis worsens it can spread as far the nose (cue nosebleeds at the period time – another sweet little sign our bodies show us when things go awry). Each month when we menstruate, our uterine lining easily makes it’s way out through the cervix and vagina. But here’s the thing, those same cells that have migrated outside of the uterine cavity want to do the same, the only difference being, they don’t necessarily have an easy exit and as a result terrible pain and cramping is common. This can over time, lead to scarring linked to fertility issues. Endometriosis is incredibly stubborn and more than likely a laparascopy may be the only option on offer to remove the endometrial tissue – a procedure I’m not opposed to however, let’s get clearer if I may. If a woman continues along with the same lifestyle post surgery, of course the endometriosis will most likely return. The age old saying, do nothing, nothing changes aptly applies.
But there’s hope. In fact, we must act and of course we can make our own way towards finding a true cure for these conditions without surgery or medications that typically come with a bucket full of side effects. Beautifully the same diet and lifestyle I advocate for post surgery is the same as what I’d suggest all women, endometriosis or not should follow – just search my website! Ultimately, it’s all about happy hormones and since endometriosis is worsened by oestrogen and influence of oestrogen mimicking substances (like alcohol, plastics, environmental pollutants, self care products, poor water quality and other toxins found in our foods) – we’ve spilled them beans on that here and we must get savvy around our choices to pave our own way toward better hormone health. Bottom line is, if you don’t, nobody else will do it for you. Ultimately your wellbeing lies with just you.
So I have to ask the question – why the heck aren’t we taught this stuff? Why does it sit secondary to potentially risky surgery? What I advocate for every single day isn’t woo woo, or hocus pocus, it’s plain, simple common sense that is being pushed to the side as we continue to jump to conclusions and work ourselves backwards rather than forwards. Starting at surgery (for most) and working back from there personally seems a little shot gun-esque. When you go to your specialist, who’s asking why the endometriosis is there in the first place? Who’s advocating to treat the root cause rather than symptoms? Because you can go in and remove as much Endometriosis from the body ask you like, the only way forward in overcoming illness is to actually look at the crux of the matter. Treating symptoms or simply removing the Endo as I’ve said time and time again only has you resembling a dog chasing your tail. Laparascopy or not, the same changes must be made. If you continue with the same diet and lifestyle, you can’t expect miracles.
There are some pretty simple changes that must be made to overcome Endometriosis. Here’s those at the top of my list;
Remove stress. So much so – I created an entire event around it and Debunking Stress can now be purchased. I’m at my whits end with stress. There is actually no excuse – we can all manage stress better and we must start immediately. When the body becomes stressed, it contracts. We all hold stress in various areas and for some women that will be immediately in our reproductive organs. Quite simply when we restrict blood flow (by holding stress in an are i.e. a stiff neck), the muscle will contract, blood and nutrient flow will be minimised and the body suffers and begins doing whacking things to try and cope with the pressure you’re subjecting it to.
Find your therapy. For me it is Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Sometimes we need some specific tweaking and the longer we leave stress and poor diet unattended, the more it will take it’s toll. My clinic The Pagoda Tree specialises in treating conditions like Endometriosis. We have a team ready to help you seriously take control and treat the root cause, not just the effects of Endo.
Castor Oil packs. If you’re not familiar with them don’t worry, I’m going to come back and share a little more about them and their benefits in the coming weeks. My late Nana one had a race with me as to who could lose their ugly wart first, by the use of applying castor oil daily. Castor oil penetrates and dissolves masses, it helps relax the body and can be used to break up the stagnation that occurs with endometriosis. Just call me the Cathy Freeman of wart races. Possibly needless to say, I won.
Change your diet. I talk a lot about this through the blog and in both my e-courses. A good diet is paramount. You can’t put soft drink in a car and expect it to run (although coke-a-cola does resemble rocket fuel it seems – it’s known as the best degreaser going, good enough to clean truck engines! Yikes). Your body is no different and if you aren’t paying your body the love and respect it deserves with nourishment, you’re a fool for thinking it will take good care of you. Only YOU can control what you put in your mouth.
Remove toxins. Ditch plastic bottles and containers, overhaul your body products (conventional items contain up to 80% of harmful ingredients doing direct damage to your hormones as they enter you blood stream), verse yourself on how much alcohol is ok, why soy is so very bad for your lady bits and how certain foods can help to calm down your oestrogen levels. Sleep for wellness, exercise for health and you’re well on your way toward curing your endometriosis.
Learn pain management. There are some brilliant techniques to help manage pain in the interim. Check out some methods like emotional freedom technique (EFT), meditation, affirmations (many of these I speak about in debunking stress). Focusing on pain will only make it 100 times worse, learning how to divert your energy elsewhere is positively effective.
Above all, know that with the right care and support Endometriosis is a absolutely a treatable condition. The pill or other medications may offer you some short term relief, but truly healing from Endo comes with identifying the root cause which will differ for all women. Healing the body through diet and lifestyle is a must (surgery or not) to properly free yourself from it’s wraps.
What’s your experience been with Endo? Have you healed yourself or are you at your whits end with it all? I’d love to hear your brief story below and get some discussion going around this topic so we can create more awareness around being the best version of ourselves to thrive.
This is an article I have been waiting for, for a long time, THANKYOU!
I was diagnosed with endometriosis just over 8 years ago and for me I was much the same the pain was exrusiating, and this did not help with playing sport and all things fun and then going onto a physically damanding job, the pain stopped me from doing a lot of things with my friends which was hard at the age I was.
After numerous surgeries to remove the endometriosis and being put on different medications I have ended up on deporalovera injections for about the last 3 years, it has been great in controlling the pain but with having this injection i do not get my period in the 3 months between injections.
It has been on my mind for a while now to stop having the injection because really it’s just not natural and I don’t like the thought of what it could do to my body in the long term, but it is a scary thought to go back to what was, I just want to have the right knowledge and assistance when I go off the injection because I can’t imagine it will be easy!
I know there is many more like me out there it would be good to hear how others have gone about it, THANKYOU to Nat for this honest informative article 🙂
Hi Nat you legend you.
I was first diagnosed with endo/adeno/pcos 4.5 years ago. I’ve had 4 surgeries and countless hormone therapies. I put my foot down 2 years ago and said I would have the surgery but no more hormones. I knew they weren’t working for me. Currently it’s been the longest I’ve been without surgery in the 4.5 years and I put that down to castor oil packs, acupuncture, reiki, yoga, meditation and above all, my vegan gluten free diet. I’m trying for a baby and the Drs were begging me years ago to have IVF now, before it’s ‘too late’. Too late my ass. I know I’ve got this. I’ve come this far. Some days are horrible, don’t get me wrong. Working full time in an industry populated by men has been my above all stressor in all things health. I’m still finding ways in which to deal with that but having the end game in mind does help most days. Thank you for bringing this to light. A drug doesn’t just cure all. Nor does the surgery alone. X
My Mum, sister and I have all suffered from Endo. Both my Mum and sister have had hysterectomies as soon as they were past having children as they were fed up with the pain. This of course brings it’s own set of problems with weight gain etc. I’ve been advised to have surgery but was not happy with the risks I was told about. I wanted this as a last resort only! After seeing you at last years utopia Brisbane event and taking everything you said on board, I made some changes. I was always fairly healthy with eating , yoga, exercise but amped it up. My main thing was cutting soy from my diet (I was dairy free so having soy multiple times a day!) and it took months but now my periods are on time, I can always tell when I’m ovulating, less pain… It’s made a huge difference! Still working on it and not sure how my fertility is yet but if it means no surgery then I am happy 🙂 x
Fantastic article! I will be sharing this around! Teaching people to take responsibility for their healing is where it’s at. After my endo/ovarian cyst/pre cancer cervex cell removal operation I started on this massive wellness journey, I’m currently still struggling with stress but it’s another learning curve. I’m taking responsibility for my body and love it when everything is happy again. It’s knowing when to pull back and take care of yourself. Wellness is not a destination, it’s a journey and articles like this can hopefully help so many others on that journey 🙂
Thanks so much for highlighting this Nat, the more we can put out there about rebuilding from endo the better! I absolutely agree with everything you have said! My endo journey started over 3 years ago now, but it was apparent that I was living with it much before that without knowing. It wasn’t until I ramped up my self care that I noticed a change. Regular yoga and gentle exercise (I like to respect my body with yoga), meditation, regular acupuncture, a clean mostly organic diet, (refined sugar free, vego, dairy free and gluten free) and learning to love and appreciate my body just the way it is, have brought the biggest change for me. I now live pain and medication free, and know that my fertility struggles were given to me for a reason. I respect my journey, and what it has taught me. I never thought I’d say it, but I’m grateful I got endo! And I know despite the struggles, that one day I will welcome a healthy baby into the world.
Big love to you Nat, can’t wait to see you at Utopia Brisbane x
I ditched the pill, cured my endometriosis, fell pregnant and gave birth to an incredibly healthy baby boy since discovering Nat’s blog. She is the reason I’m living an amazing, healthy, pain-free life 🙂
Hi Nat, I have been following your page for a while but have never taken the time to read too much of your philosophy until I saw this article. I suppose I am curious as to what your recommendations are for me. I have completely changed my diet and lifestyle not so long ago however my endometriosis was diagnosed roughly 10 years ago when I had a mirena put in place (now on my second). I am 27 years old and the mirena is the best thing that ever happened to me. No more vomiting each morning during my menstrual cycle, no laying on the bathroom floor wishing I could rip my insides out and no more heavy periods. I suppose… what are you thoughts on the mirena or IUD?
I have thought about removing the mirena however I am scared that it is the only thing stopping the bad symptoms regardless of the lifestyle change I under went.
Hi Rebecca – there is so much you can do! I invite you to search my site thoroughly and read all the info I share on here regarding everything you’ve asked. The answers for you are all here – and remember the answer for you might not be the same as your girlfriend or next door neighbour. But it’s up to you to take charge of your wellness. The mirena is only a bandaid solution. You might like to specifically look here –
And also, when I talk about the pill, I refer to all synthetic chemical contraception – more on that here –
Nat x
I discovered I had endo about 10 years ago. Had surgery to remove 2 endometriomas. I was fit and healthy recovered very fast. Always had a clean and healthy diet.
I got myself off to see Ruth Trickey quick smart and have been super dooper ever since. It was Ruth that before all the “quit sugar” movement got me to quit sugar. I was a shift worker and loved some lollies to perk me up. I stopped shift work, had much better sleeping patterns and I have not had an symptoms for 8 years.
I think your points are very valid in helping with the management of Endomentriosis, but I’m not sure you should be saying it’s a ‘cure’. I am glad you have been able to manage your Endo to the point where it doesn’t affect your life so much anymore and tips on managing Endometriosis are always appreciated, but saying there is a ‘cure’ I think is wrong. Everyone suffers with different stages of Endo with many varying symptoms. I have had endo basically since I started having my period, but wasn’t diagnosed until I was 30. I also suffer with Adenomyosis as many other Endo sufferers do and have suspected Fibromyalgia. My Endo is very severe to the point where it has taken my fertility and I am also now unable to work.
Thanks Emma for your reply. Endo is a curable illness if the right measures are taken. It is however a journey. There is no quick fix or magic bullet to wellness. That said (and as I made the point above) we can thrive no matter what the circumstances. When I say ‘cure’ it may be for some thriving with Endo and for others living without obvious evidence of its existence – this will differ for everybody. I encourage you to continue on your own wellness journey and always move toward being the healthiest version of yourself. Not only have I been able to take my Endo by the horns but many many other women too in my clinic and I hope that all women can have access to information to help them move towards ultimate wellness.
Hi Nat,
What was the catalyst that drove you to fix your endo? What did you do?
I am 27 and suffered from endo when I was 19. I had surgery and the gyno at the follow up appointment literally said to me ‘here’s your pill script, come back and see me when you want to get pregnant.’ I stopped the pill early last year and I think my cycle is nearly normal (except my period only lasts 2 days, is that weird?).
I don’t have any endo symptoms, however my diet isn’t great. I hate the idea of quitting grains and gluten. I know I should but I don’t know if I can.
I am terrified that I won’t be able to have a baby. I think about it frequently because 2 of my aunties are similar to me and had fertility problems.
Thank you for sharing this article Nat. You are shedding a light on such a huge problem and I have learnt so much from you. Visiting the padoga tree last year was the best thing I’ve ever done! I wish I could make it a regular thing but I live interstate (Canberra) and there is nothing like you guys here.
You don’t have to give up grains. Just cut back. If you are having pasta for dinner make that your only gluten for the day. If you are having bread for lunch don’t have pasta or any wheat at dinner. Moderation is the key.
After my second surgery I took my doctors advice and went back on the pill to control my endo. That was two years ago and I believe it was an effective bandaid solution. I cannot conceive naturally due to a previous infection so there were no other benefits to the pill. About 3 months ago I made the decision to come off the pill after finding Nat’s website. I was terrified of what was ahead of me. I spoke to my TCM practitioner & started on a regular course of acupuncture & herbs as well as changing my diet to (mostly) Paleo. I am pleased to say that 3 months in and I have had 2 relatively pain free and ‘normal’ periods. I know it’s early days but I am convinced I’m on the right track. Thanks Nat!
This makes my heart sing! Well done to you xoxox
Thank you for this article and for all the info you put out there for us!
I was diagnosed with endometriosis a couple of years ago, which I had removed. I also made some major dietary and lifestyle changes around the same time to help me manage hashimoto’s. Since reading your article I now see that these changes may also have helped keep the endo at bay! I find it so empowering that we can take our health and wellness into our own hands and it’s thanks to experts such as yourself for sharing the information and increasing our knowledge. Long may it continue!
Hi Nat,
I read this article on the recommendation of a friend, and I’m really glad she sent me the link. I’m at the beginning of my endo journey and am lucky my symptoms have not been as debilitating as others. I’m 28 years old and was recently diagnosed through laparoscopy, but have been referred to a specialist for surgery (and possibly hormones) as it’s located deep in the pouch of douglas. I’m yet to have my appointment with the specialist. I’ve been on the pill for more than 10 years and was initially prescribed it to deal with heavy periods and help with my iron deficiency. I’m so grateful for this and other articles on the site that talk about the pill. I want to come off it, but was told it is good for endo. What are your thoughts?
Hi Nat,
I love this piece, thanks so much for saying what I’ve been mulling over since my lap surgery 8 weeks ago.
After I was diagnosed and had the endo excised, I went about trying to identify all the ‘whys’ and how can I prevent the endo reoccurring. I felt so ‘battered’ after the procedure that I’ve vowed to do everything in my power to prevent the need to go through that again.
I’m no stranger to the paleo lifestyle and the notion of ‘clean living’ including sleep/stress management. However I still battle with hormone imbalances so have focused my attention on clearing detox pathways and doing what I can to get right with my body (so to speak).
I know what it’s like to be desperate for pain relief, and have succumbed to prescription medication when I’m despairing. But I know this just sets up a vicious cycle and more problems in the long run.
I think there is also a strong genetic factor in all of this, but from an epigenetic point of view…we don’t have to pull that trigger!
Keep up the fantastic work Nat! xxx
I’m so excited to read this, after being diagnosed with severe endometriosis about 2 years ago I feel a bit hopeless! I’ve had 2 laparoscopies, and one laparotomy following a deep pelvic infection after endo removal ( and my poor endo affected appendix!) and have been told my only options are going on a horrible sounding drug called “Zolodex” and following that up with HRT. I’m 27 and feel that the risks involved with these drugs ( hello osteoporosis!) out way the potential good they could do for me! I would love to hear more about some healthy solutions!
With overhauling your body products, what brands would you recommend, or what kind of ingredients should we be avoiding?
To be honest, I’m frustrated by this article.
I have been on a restricted diet now for almost 4 years (with some lapses) gluten free etc, with a surgery in between. I have endo, adenomysosis and fibroids and since surgery in late 2011, I have only gotten worse. I have refused all hormone treatments and injections including the mirena and zoladex, except for the pill. Bandaid or not, without it, I’m not in bed for 2 or 3 days, I’m in bed for 2 or 3 weeks. With 2 or 3 days where I’m in so much pain that I have to crawl to the bathroom to go to the loo in between intermittent vomiting – once before my period and again at ovulation.
I have tried natural therapies, acupuncture, Bowen therapy, homeopathy but none provide any real relief.
Don’t get me wrong. Diet has certainly helped. I was on a highly processed, highly ‘gross’ diet before and I’m a big advocate for eating healthier to anyone but I don’t believe it’s a ‘cure’. I live on a farm so pollutants are not a problem, my house is as chemical free as possible and I’d say my stressful times are few and far between. I’m a firm believer that all these things are positive changes you can make (and suggest others consider making them) but I don’t think people should get their hopes up for a ‘cure’.
Hi Nat
Although I completely agree with what you are saying I have been following all these principles for a number of years, read everything I can get my hands on about Endomentriosis and hormone imbalance, seen every Chinese herbalist, Naturopath etc that has been recommended to me and have had no improvement at all. It is very depressing when I see people stuffing themselves with all the foods I dont eat or drink, overweight and doing no excercise and sailing through periods, pregnancy and life. I am at my wits end and although I have fought the constant pressure to go back on the pill (which I have been off for 8years) my life in that time has been constant cycle of pain, hormones, flooding periods, aneamia and nausea. Doctors think I am crazy for not taking the medication to make it all better and at times I feel like I agree with them although I know in my heart it is not right for me a break from this agony would be really good.
Hey Justine,
I am interested to know what you decided to do? Are you any better as of 2015?
Well said Nat!
As a Naturopath, I encourage the women who feel they have tried everything to keep on trying. If your GP, Naturopath, Chiro, Acupuncturist, Psychologist, Osteopath etc are not delivering results and trying to get to the underlying cause, then try someone else. Not all health practitioners work the same.
Tests that have shown helpful for my endometriosis patients include saliva hormone testing (adrenals and sex), stool analysis testing, food intolerance testing, urine toxicity, detox panels and delving into toxicity and nutrient levels with red cell and whole cell tests.
I encourage you all to keep on searching for those underlying causes (and therefore know what treatment will be most effective for you), as the drugs unfortunately are only going to mask the symptoms.
Keep up the amazing work Nat!
Love, health & happiness,
Kasey x
Sad to say I was thrilled when I found this site. Unfortunately if research is done properly you will see that there is no cure for Endo. My daughter has suffered since she was 14 now she is 19 and has had Excision surgery with a great doctor . My daughter can not tolerate hormones has completely changes her diet given up sugar gluten dairy red meat free you name it we have done chiropractic acupuncture herbs therapy yoga everything and she has found no relief she had a window of relief for 5months prior she was in bed from the debilitating pain and medications they prescribed her and although I did my research and I thought the next medicine would help they did not they only made her have anxiety problems urinating not being able to have a bowel movement. We now take it day by day and she & I have come to the conclusion that she has to live her life and enjoy the smallest of victory’s such as being able to get out of bed and function for a day and not be back in bed for a week to recover. Being able to be around her friends and not feel like she is going to pass out from pain or be stuck in the bathroom for hours. Or much less have to have me pick her up only after being gone for a hour because she’s exhausted.
I think you’re advise is great and I will definitely apply some changes however to say and publish on you’re sight that you know of a cure is very irresponsible. And if you did not intend that then I believe you should retract your statement or clarify it please.
Thank You,
Thanks Endo Mom for your reply. You might notice I talk in depth about the definition of ‘cure.’ Cure is simply thriving – I firmly believe that we can set ourselves up to thrive no matter what. Diligently supporting health is really important – we can’t lose sight of that.
I have endometriosis and adenomyosis and after struggling with not only immense pain but infertility – being told I would not be able to conceive and a hysterectomy was my best option I took my health into my hands ( not before time 3 surgeries later ) I ditched the pill my husband and I left the city and its crazy workloads and I focused on clean eating and exercise for stress relief and health. I was having a huge success my pain had reduced significantly and I fell pregnant !!! But after my son was born not only had it come back but it was the worst it has ever been I tried harder than ever to manage it with diet and lifestyle but i ended up having another surgery. I fell pregnant with my second straight away and am due in May but my biggest fear is my endometriosis returning . I’m at a loss as to why it went wrong so quickly after birth and what I can do to prevent it happening a second time but I believe it can be done .
Great article, thank you!
I was recently 3 months pregnant and had a miscarriage. After the miscarriage I ended up bedridden from pain that doctors diagnosed as a ‘womb infection’ and ‘my body just didn’t want to respond to antibiotics’ apparently…according to several doctors.
5 months and 1 laparoscopy later and I have an Endo diagnosis. They were able to remove most lumps except one ‘hard to remove lump’ on my Ureter and one lump ‘further in’ (that must be the medical term for the location :P).
Anyway post OP I seeked out alternative therapies. My Ayurvedic medicine man gave me herbs to help increase progesterone and thus balance my high Oestrogen. After several days of herbs I felt amazing, they took away the pain and made me feel amazing. I was also exercising and eating organic only.
Recently though I went back to my doctor who convinced me that if I didn’t take the contraceptive pill that the lumps inside would grow larger. I went from being pain free to being depressed and in pain 24/7.
I believe that lifestyle and natural medications can manage and prevent endometriosis.
Thank you for a great read, I truly believe this course of action is the right one even though (as I’ve come to learn) there are many skeptics willing to voice their option.
I’m super sad that you’ve been told this and after everything you have been through!
Diet and lifestyle play a massive role and then seeking the help of somebody who can help support your body is key to keep your body in optimal health. Natural medicine plays a massive role in healthcare and treating/preventing endometriosis.
Be guided by your gut feeling and you’ll never make a bad choice – I certainly think you are now on a path that is more supporting of health and healing rather than treating sickness. xNK
Nat, thank you for this article!! All of the ‘solutions’ my GP and specialists were suggesting to me were not solutions at all, and generally came with more side-effects for a drug that would at best ‘ease the pain’. I went down the path of a hormone pill for a while and the weight gain, acne, and anger it gave me was not worth it. I’m too afraid to have the keyhole surgery, because I’m yet to hear ONE success story, and I’m not going near synthetic hormonal contraception ever again. But now in more of my reading I’m coming to see that the solution is something that everyone should be adopting anyway; eating organic, adjusting lifestyle and removing toxins! So simple, and I wish doctors would just tell you this from the outset.
I’m literally only at my first week of changing my diet and removing plastics, so I know I’m at the early phase before I can notice results – I’d never heard of castor oil packs, and currently have no desire for babies so very excited to know there are more things I can try.
This is the best and most helpful article I’ve read yet! THANK YOU!
Actually Nat I’m curious to know your thoughts on taking pre-natal supplements to ease Endo pain. I’ve read some sources that recommend it, and others that say it’s dangerous. I’m not pregnant and not planning to be – I imagine that taking them for a longer period of time could actually do more harm than good.
Hi Lauren – I’m not sure the reason why taking pre-natal supplements would be dangerous to be honest I can’t think of any reason why. It’s always important to dig deep and look at the reasons why Endo is there in the first place – certainly if it is from nutrient deficient then this approach is applicable. (i.e. poor gut health)
Oh thank you so much! I get so excited when people resonate with what is shared here on my site. Good on you for taking charge of your health and wellbeing – after all it really does start with you. No amount of synthetic hormones will actually treat the root cause of the issue so it’s wonderful to look deeper indeed and keep it simple! Well done! x
Hi Nat!
Loved the article! I was diagnosed with endo at 30 after coming
off the pill, I have adopted all of these things and think it is slowly working!
However, I also have been diagnosed with Premature ovarian failure (gees that
‘Pill’ can mask just about anything!)
Would love to see some more talk on POF and low amh for young women.
There seems to be more and more being diagnosed but not a lot of discussion.
There is not a whole lot of positive information out there.
Wow! The universe is just delivering at the moment.. Especially with a full moon tonight! I am lying in bed awake, recovering from a laparascopy. My Fallopian tubes were both completely blocked and there was so much more endo then they ever thought. And there were two cysts on my right ovary. Both a lot bigger then they anticipated.
The endo was really bad. Dr said he’d never seen so much endo between the bowel and uterus. It would explain all the problems I’ve had for years with going to toilet.
I have been trying to explain to my partner that there are certain lifestyle changes we need to make so it doesn’t come back and that I will be having happy healthy babies in a few years.. And that I need to do acupuncture, and let thy food be thy medicine! .. The writing here, is on the wall.
Ladies best thing you can do is buy Ruth Trickys books.
Or go and see her.
I had endometriosis for 18 years and i never thought i would ever get a cure due to the terrible symptoms i had and this made it impossible for me to get pregnant even after 12 years of marriage and it was a serious issue. I got to know about Dr. Aleta who treated someone and the person shared a story of how she got a cure and let her contact details, i contacted Dr. Aleta and she actually confirmed it and i decided to give a try too and use her herbal medicine that was how my burden ended completely. My son will be 2 this december and i am grateful to God and thankful to her for medicine too. If you have (Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibroid, Ovarian cyst, Ectopic Pregnancy or any infertility issues) just reach her on (aletedwin @ gmail. com) she has professional advise and a cure too.
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