I’m pretty much busting my little ovaries to get this segment out to you today. You’ll be able to tell fairly early into the clip, I’m in my element! I get into the in’s and out’s of ovulation this week on healthtalks and it’s fair to say, I could talk about this all day and all night and then keep going.
See – I’ve got my hands going, I’m right in there. Here’s what you will learn today:
- We talk about what your menstrual cycle should look like
- We discuss how to pin point ovulation by reading your body signs and tuning into what our bodies are telling us
- I guide you through the cycle phase by phase
- I discuss how to observe ovulation for those with poly cystic ovarian syndrome
- Why cervical mucus isn’t gross but a healthy sign BUT how if these patterns change it may indicate present pathologies
- We talk about how NOT to make a baby, naturally
- We discuss how this is just another way your body is speaking to you.
Seriously – this is a topic so close to my heart. And please, don’t make me beg. You MUST share this with EVERY SINGLE WOMAN you know. This is key to a healthy future for all the ladies (single or not Beyonce!) Plus – I’m waiting to hear what you think about it so get busy in the comments section below.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n_KXN6bb6Q]
Hi Nat
I was so excited for this episode of health talks and it def didn’t diappoint! I want to know why this isn’t taught in depth at schools. All I remember about high school ‘life studies’ was make sure you protect protect protect because sperm will crawl across the back seat of the car to impregnate you (ok minor dramatisation but not far from the truth). Needless to say I came off the pill thinking this getting pregnant thing would be a piece of cake, a couple disappointed months later (currently on cycle 5 with 32 day cycles) and being addicted your blog I have started to make some changes for the better and started to see some hopeful signs.
I am one of the people who came off the pill with little to no fertile mucus because of all the crypts being degenerated. I have started drinking green tea (try to drink 2 cups a day but most days drink at least one) and have def seen an improvement. However since I have been drinking the green tea I noticed that I was dry for the straight after my period, then would have the moist then wet feeling, after ovulation would go back to dry for a few days and then on and off for the 1.5 – 2 wks until I get my period I am still getting cervical mucus (but not fertile) but def don’t feel that wet or moist feeling. Is this something to worry about?
Thanks Missy!
I know Missy! You’ll love tomorrow’s follow up post – it answers your Q’s – so sit tight! x
Great! Looking forward to it!
How long generally coming off the pill does the body take to get back into the healthy rhythm it’s meant to do? I’ve read any where from 6 months to 2 years. Any truth to this?
I wouldn’t like it to take any longer than 6 months. There are however certain things I require a patient to do coming off the pill – if you search ‘the pill’ on the site you’ll be sure to find loads of info.
Love your work girls! Having come off the pill nearly 2 years ago and recovering from hypothalamic amenorrhea (due to a lovely combo of stress, malnutrition & over-exercising over the years), I’m still without a period. It’s as though my body has forgotten how to menstruate! I do believe I’m still ovulating though or am I kidding myself here. Is it possible to still be fertile and ovulating without a full menstrual cycle.. How is this possible? I’ve zoned in on my diet and am eating well and have cut back on exercise. Stress is still a big problem though. I’ve been taking weekly acupuncture but it’s discouraging when another month passes .. and then another… and then another… and still no period. Advice?
mwah x
Nelly – tomorrow you will love the follow up post on the site. It isn’t possible to be ovulating and not getting a period and I talk about this tomorrow. I’d encourage you to look into that further – stress would be the number one fertility crusher.
Hi Nelly,
I’d love to get in touch with you as we are in simular situations. I came off the pill 14 months ago and still haven’t had a period, I’ve also been having accupucture for about 4 months but hasn’t yet produced a period for me. I’ve been charting my temps which offer no insight as they are ALL over the show.
Would love to chat via email about our situlations if you are interested.
Thankyou Nat- hearing the comment about your body needing your reproductive organs to be working least makes a lot of sense to me 🙂 I also think I sometimes get a confusing fake fertime mucous just before my period. My question is, do you reccommend women take their temperature as well when working out their cycle, or is watching the changing mucous patterns enough?
Yes – I prefer to simply watch mucus patterns. Temperatures can be ok for some but for others not. Remember, you may always see cervical mucus – but it is the wet mucus that is ovulation.
Hi Nat! Thank you so much for all the helpful info. I bought your e-book, Fertilise Yourself and have been trying to follow the guidelines. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 7 years…I knew my body was trying to tell me something was wrong, but I had the hardest time pinpointing it. Just recently, I found out that I had thyroid cancer. I had my thyroid removed and had to do radiation treatment, which was against pretty much everything I believe in!! BUT, I am really hoping that after the waiting period (6-12 months after radiation), I will have a chance at becoming a mom. Meanwhile, I am trying to make my body and mind as healthy as it can be over the next few months. Any additional tips you could share to help get us on our way??
Thanks again!
Focus on getting healthy and then apply the tips in my book – it’s a great formula 🙂 Be well xo
Hi Nat,
I stopped taking the pill almost two months ago. I found that yesterday and now today I have mucus, is it at all possible that I could be ovulating? or is it just wishful thinking?
Thanks so much, amazing info!
absolutely possible! Keep watching. x
Thanks for the informative post! I went off the pill 6 months ago and still no period. Have made lifestyle changes, go to yoga and also trying a accupuncture. Worried stress (job) may be affecting/ stopping my period from coming. What do you suggest to helping to deal with stress? Thanks
Stress is a huge factor – I like to suggest acupuncture as a means to help the body cope better with it.
Hello beautiful ladies,
Love the talk…. I agree every young girl & woman should be aware of this. I have been with my husabnd for 26yrs, I’m 43, have three beautiful children ( 15,10,8yrs) and was only on the pill for the first year we were together( iwas 17). It did’nt agree with me so I came of it.
I was diagnosed with Endometriosis & was treated conventionally & then i decided to look into natural therapy’s & read, read, read. I also read Dr Cabots book on Womens Health, which was great, this was back in 1995.
My husband & I have been using natural conception all the years up until our third baby & have never had an ” accidental” pregancy, they were all planned. I then had a tubal ligation as I had had a c-section, & suffered severe 24hr morning sickness for the whole 9 months of each pregancy…oh joy, joy.lol
I agree when you listen to your body, look & feel it will give you all the messages that you need. I will be teaching my daughter what i have learnt, as well as my sons, so they are aware of how a womans body works.
Love watching & listening to you all, you are all a great inspiration.
Love, light & health
Hi Nat,
I always though that the egg white mucus is when you are at your most fertile?!
Elisa you’re right, it is! Fertile mucus also feels wet. Infertile mucus doesn’t. That’s the trick 😉
Love it! I’ve started taking my basal body temperature as well 🙂 I have a couple friends who tried the ‘rhythm method’ thinking all women ovulate on day 14, and both now have children! Whoops. Great information to help us figure out when OUR body ovulates, it can be so different for every woman. xoxo
Hi Nat,
This info is really helpful. I wonder if you could offer me some more advice for my situation to help me figure out my ovulation?? I had irregular periods throughout my teenage years and early 20s(due to sport, a time with anorexia, a more overseas etc). My husband and I tried for a baby for abut 18months and wow! We fell pregnant! We now have a 15month old baby girl which we love love love! I breasted her exclusively until she was 12 months, but I still don’t have my period back. I haven’t had it since before pregnancy. I feel like we are back at square one. I went to my GP and she said wait a bit longer…I’m just worried falling pregnant gain will be difficult. However, I know I can fall pregnant so wonder if I’m being impatient?? I’m 27 years old. Is the best option to watch the changes in my vaginal discharge and do my temperature each morning? Suggestions? Otherwise, I guess we just try have sex very couple of days? Thanks!
My good friend recomened I speak with you we have three amazing little boys ages 7,4 and almost three and at the end of next year we have decided to give it one last go to try to get a girl.we have never really tried for a specific sex in the past but this time were
Going to give it ago to get a girl I have heard so many different things to get one.and other people telling me there is no truth in any methods.i believe what will be will be and in no way will we be upset if we had a boy but to get a girl would be amazing.
Yes! Come into the clinic – we’d love to help you.
Thanks ladies – you have helped me back onto the path of natural contraception. Im 41 have 2 amazing boys and a fantastic husband – but after wanting to have a little princess of our own, and not falling pregnant – I have finally come to the decision that the timing was over for us as a family and the reality of another baby is not an option for us – (the romance of it all is – love it!). In desperation to cement my decison I was going down the coil path as a temporary measure that was safe and the best option for me – no way not after reading all about this and you reminding me how easy natural really is – practised this method for many years prior to wanting a family and it was great – keeps you in touch with your body and also gives your partner responsibilty aswell not to mention keeps you spiced up with options for sex – all good good good – also reading about the withdrawal method was a shock to me – hadnt realised its effectivness at all – most of all i have learnt that i need to relax and trust and listen to myslef again abit more and a bit for clearly – not accept the easy / standard way – thanks again – would also appreciate it if you have a good contact in Perth. Mandurah you could recommend for me for this and also hormone work as i feel that my body is now dumping eggs all over the show and want to sort out some better overall homonal health – thanks and blue skies to you all – NJ
Wonderful Natalie-Jane!! Unfortunately I don’t have a contact in Perth – I’m very fussy with referrals. I do however offer online consultations. x
Hey girls,
Thank you so much for doing this segment!! So interesting!! I have always used to have an irregular, long 35 day cycle, but since changing my lifestyle and tuning in my body, my cycle is now what you refer to in the video as a healthy ‘normal’ cycle, usually 28-30 days! Can’t wait to see what the outcome of the cleanse is! Keep up the great work ladies! Also, do you have any recommendations for improving my mans health in helping us conceive in the future?
Thanks again!!
Chanelle – there is SO much you can do for male fertility – it starts with high antioxidants, Vitamin E and Zinc. My ebook outlines both men and woman’s diet and lifestyle change to boost both partners fertility.
Hello There! Thanks for this video, I have a question though I have been diagnosed with PCOS about 11 years ago, and I have been taking the pill (Diannette and Yasmin) for about 10 years. I have decided to go of the pill and I didn’t find a practitioner that would support a natural treatment for my PCOS. So I am basically doing it by myself. My symptoms are mild: I have facial hair and acne (acne disappeared almost with the pill, but not the facial hair) and I am slightly over weight BMI just below 26.
My question is about my cycle. Before I start the pill and whenever I went off of it my cycle would be a bit longer then 28 days (typically around 35 days) and my period would be very light and would sometimes last less then 48 hours. I don’t know what that means at all… also I never skipped a period. it will always follow more or less this pattern. Now it’s my first period after I have stopped the pill and it pretty much followed my ‘normal’ pattern. What does that pattern say about my menstrual cycle, about my ovulation and about my hormones? How can I “fix” it?
Hi Nat
Well after years of following your advice about how not to get pregnant naturally I have recently found out I’m pregnant! I have a sneaky suspicion and my GP does too that I actually ovulated twice last month, one very late, as I had a blood test at Day 25 in a 29 day cycle that was negative, but then a positive a week later :/
Anyway, I was wondering what your thoughts are on tubal ligation? I am anti anti anti pill, but now that I am looking at my 4th (and most definately final!) baby, I need something failsafe. I cannot use condoms due to allergies and my GP has suggested ligation after this bub is born.
Many thanks
Congratulations!!!! I’d say to look into your partner having a vasectomy. Far less chance of long term complications. 🙂
BRILLIANT effort xo
Hi Nat
My Mum (the darling) put me onto your site after I found out i have PCOS and a possible under active thyroid (haven’t regular blood tests but currently my TSH levels seem to be rising – not too sure of the cause, i have had an ultrasound on my thyroid but it all seems to be normal) I am planning on trying to conceive in August this year.
I have been doing acupuncture for my PCOS for almost 4 months now and my cycle has gone from 50-60 days back down to 28-30 days in that time (so amazing!)
Just wondering if you had any contacts in Sydney or a clinic that you would recommend?
Hi Nat,
I am loving finding out this information about the pill, ovulation & listening to our bodies. Especially as someone who has just come off pill after taking it for about 15years eek! I am all for keeping things as natural as possible. 🙂 My question is I have heard sperm can last up to 7 days in your body so does this mean you can fall pregnant if you have sex prior to ovulation??
Thanks for your help xx
Hi there,
I am a very intrigued non-customer with a few concerns. I actually suffer from “As Seen On TV syndrome” where as I see it on t.v I want to buy it… Not good when I tend to not even use the product or products I buy.. I am 33 years of age and have been living with PCOS (diagnosed) for about 7 years now, but have always had VERY, very irregular cycles.
for example I can NOT have my period for 3 4 or even 5 months on end and when I do get it I have it for 7 days which are very heavy the first 2 or 3 days with A LOT of blood clots then it gets light with some blood clots, then it will be over (or so I think) then at a moments glance it comes right back for another glorious day of heavy blood clots then by this time the 7 days is over and again I find myself in a “no period life for another 3, 4 or 5 months)…
I finally went to see a Doctor (unfortunately) he was a male doctor and I found that every time I wanted to fully explain my situation so that he can have a clear understanding of what I have been going through he just seems to “zone out” and simply tells me that “it’s normal, I’m going to give you a prescription for birth control. Take them and make an appointment for 3 weeks, if its not cleared up by then we’ll have to up the dosage of the pill and try taking those then we’ll see, but I don’t think you should have a problem with the ones I’m going to give you today, they should work just fine” All this while he is already stood up from his chair and next to the door.
I find that every Doctor I have been to really has no real concept of what to do to “help” me in my situation and I am ready to get this all taken care of permanently!!
I have been reading your blogs and mostly about the Fertile tea and I am still unsure of how the tea is meant to work.
I follow you on Instagram and have the greatest feeling when I read and see pictures of hoe TinyTea has helped other women and the one male lol..
However at the same time I am nervous to see if it will actually help me or if this is another scam that I am literally diving right into again.??
I am 235 lbs. and lately I can not seem to drop the weight. I feel so unhappy and ugly and I am at my wits end.. Pretty desperate and Need to do something FAST!! So desperate that I am even looking into Gastric Bypass Surgery.
What I want to do with this comment/email is really to get my story out to you so that maybe you can ask me any questions that you may have for me or simply reassure me that I am making the right decision in purchase of Tiny Tea and maybe give me an idea of what tea I should start off with? I mean, because with so many miscarriages, and weight gain, blood clots, and no periods, facial hair I mean something has got to give and I need to really make a chose to live free healthy and clean or unhappy overweight and depressed and I finally want to make a change for the better.
Please help and Thank you for the !00% educational video I just saw on this page.. I love it
Have a wonderful day
Thank you very much
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