So that’s a whole lotta’ noodles! These noodles are a bit special – they are made from sea kelp! I love this. What a great alternative – especially for those avoiding gluten and pepping up the fertility factor (if you’re wondering why – you might like to grab a copy of my book and find out).
This week on healthtalks, Sam and I get busy in the kitchen. I get to work with this whiz bang noodle oodle machine which makes zucchini into noodles (or other veg for that matter). It’s one you can find out all about here.
And so, you just swish it all about and…. SHA-BANG!
You get this! Now – it’s your turn. Get busy making this AFTER you’ve watched the below clip and show us how you go! We’d love to see your efforts on our facebook page. And of course, as always, please leave me some comments in the section below – tell me how much you liked it, loved it and how you go making it!
Grab the full recipe and extra details from Sam’s site.
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