This week, moving into easter (and having a little break from the world) we have something a little different for you on healthtalks. Mel guides you through a meditation.
If you’re not great at meditation (I’m guilty – but I’ve worked my way into doing it), using a guided meditation can be the best place to start. Remember, every single person on this earth with a heart beat will benefit from meditation. Your mind is a busy place. Did you know that only 3% of your thoughts are actually conscious. Where the heck are the other 97%!? Yikes! Meditation helps to calm and tame those thoughts – conscious and otherwise. It can change your life – and when we are talking about making babies – the mind is key!
[youtube]Create some time this holiday period and give this a go. I’d love to hear what you think – how you go with it and for those who are the meditative types – why you love it!
How funny that my friend’s name is Mel and she introduced me to the idea of meditation. 🙂
Hi Nat:
My dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma 18 months ago. Aside from committing to an all natural, heavy on the veggies diet, and lots of exercise, meditation has become a huge part of his daily life and he’s inspiring me to try and make it part of mine (though so far I have to join the guilty party with you :)). My parents gave me a couple of guided ones to start with and I do feel a lot better after doing them. I really believe it is making a difference in my dad’s health – he’s been through two rounds of chemo and surprised everyone with his energy levels (golf the day after his last session), and a difference in his emotional and mental well being, which was never bad to start with, but is now just amazing. Thanks for reminding me!
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