Debunking PCOS e-course is LIVE!

Oh my freaking fallopian tubes she’s here!  My Debunking PCOS e-course package is LIVE BABY!  You’ve loved the live even so very much (or perhaps you couldn’t make it?  There are absolutely still tickets available for Perth, Adelaide and Cairns), we had to create this because you asked for it!  With such an overwhelming response from our current national tour, now the information we have been bringing you to bust through and reveal the truths of PCOS can be absorbed from the comfort of your very own couch couch all around this big beautiful wide world!  Introducing Debunking PCOS e-course package!

Here’s what you get;

+ 2 x 45 minute tutorials

+ Downloadable copy of all the charts and info discussed during the tutorial

+ Unlimited access

+ A copy of Fertilise Yourself



What’s all the noise about?

Learn all the in’s and out’s of PCOS and other hormone imbalance issues.  Most of all learn to understand your own unique beautiful self because we are all different and treating PCOS as a one size fits all approach isn’t working.

We’re talking;

+ insulin resistance

+ hormone imbalance

+ best treatments

+ symptom treatments including weight loss, facial hair and emotional wellness

+ life beyond PCOS

+ fertility

Everything you need to know about PCOS, how you can action your own plan to treat it and how to move on from PCOS.

All this for just $57.  Far less than you’ll pay for a visit to your gyno and far more info than you’d ever get in one visit!

Want in?  I know you do.  You can head here to find out more about the package and purchase.

This is life changing information that your loved ones simply need to hear about in order to overcome the current hormone imbalance epidemic.  Perhaps you don’t have PCOS but you know somebody who does.  Be sure to share this with as many people as you know to help make a difference collectively.


Nat x


  • May 6, 2014 By Leah Ten Buuren 1:49 pm

    Hi I’m trying to purchase the e-book on pcos and the link won’t work on my phone does it only work on a computer?

    Thankyou Leah

  • May 6, 2014 By Leah Ten Buuren 1:49 pm

    Hi I’m trying to purchase the e-book on pcos and the link won’t work on my phone does it only work on a computer?

    Thankyou Leah

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