Before I embarked on my Malaysia travels I was lucky enough to attend the Clinique Super Skin Super Food Event at Zinc @ Fed Square with two of my good friends. The food was amazing – infused not only with taste but with goodness. It was a...
Read moreGood Food Friday: Freekeh with roasted parsnip and honey
original photo here Have you heard of Freekeh? It’s an ancient grain which holds a nutty flavour and is kinda chewy when cooked well. You can give it a try once you make this delicious recipe. Freekeh with roasted parsnip and honey 165g...
Read moreThe Choice this Christmas
I’ve been so blessed to have some time off this silly season. I have just got back after two weeks on holiday in beautiful Malaysia, where I had very little contact to my ‘real work’ life. No phones, no internet, just me and my...
Read moreGood Food Friday : Aromatic Baked Fish
I was speaking with the lovely Sam Gowing this week, who by the way will be doing some work in our clinic from time to time. Sam is a therapeutic chef, business coach and motivation speaker – all in all, one heck of a cleaver lady! She...
Read moreNikki Yazxhi talks beauty @ Fertile Body, Heart & Soul.
I was fortunate enough to catch up with Nikki Yazxhi from bellaMUMMA. Nikki is a lifestyle and beauty writer who features in various glossy publications that I love (eg. Shop till You Drop). I wanted to hear her thoughts on using natural products...
Read moreGood Food Friday : Granola
This recipe comes straight out of The Tao Diet Cookbook – one of the books we sell here in the Clinic. Granola is a gentle meal for the digestive system. According to Chinese Medicine it tones and supports the middle (digestion/gut) and...
Read moreThe Lunar Cycle and the Time of Lunar Return
You may have heard of the term ‘lunar cycle.’ It refers to the idea that the moon has an influence on the body and the menstrual cycle. Have you noticed that you ovulate or menstruate with the moon? Francesa Naish first brought my...
Read moreGood Food Friday : Spinach and Ricotta Pie
I’m being attacked by silverbeet. The patch is thriving and I have mountains of it. I didn’t realise how many different names there were for this stuff. Spinach, chard, crab beet, seakale beet… whatever you call it, silverbeet...
Read moreExercise and Fertility
Ovulation is one of the most important factors associated with fertility. Without it, a woman simply isn’t fertile. I received an email last week asking me if I’d write about ovulation and exercise. The sender indicated she had lost...
Read moreGood Food Friday : walnut inspired eats
Original Image Here My kitchen this week has turned into a nut crackers delight; a result of being given a very large bag of walnuts. I’ve cracked and I’ve cracked and let me tell you, quite frankly, I don’t want to crack...
Read moreWater. How much is enough?
Original image here As part of an initial consultation in the clinic, I spend a little time talking about water. How much do you drink? How often do you drink? Are you thirsty? Can you quench your thirst? Do you drink a certain amount because you...
Read moreMulti-Vitamins v Healthy Eats
original image here I haven’t always given multi vitamins the thumbs up. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve been 100% converted either. It’s not that I don’t like them, but I’ve always been of the opinion that our diet...
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