Inspired by your questions that beautifully flow in, hair loss is one of those that pops up frequently. You might be shocked to learn that around 40% of women experience some type of hair loss and it seems to be on the rise. I’ve spoken...
Read moreThe Essure fail – Why women of the world need your help.
As an advocate for women’s health, who isn’t shy to scream it from the roof tops, it’s probably not shocking for you to see my get my knickers in a knot over the Essure story that broke yesterday. But that’s not...
Read moreFoodie Friday: Eggplant Chips
This super easy and equally yummy recipe is brought to you by Kate Bradley from Kenko Kitchen Kate started her blog to inspire other young people to cook healthily and learn more of an appreciation for their food instead of chucking whatever in...
Read moreBack to your future.
21/10/2015 and we are in the now! Back to the Future the movie, referenced this date (yesterday here in Australia at least) as the day that Marty McFly travelled to the ‘future.’ We have all been reminded just why we loved the movie...
Read moreSharing the birthday LOVE! 30% OFF all products!
We continue to roll on with the celebrations here at NKHQ! We’re offering 30% OFF ALL PRODUCTS during ‘Birthday Week for you lovely people.’ Jump on it, this offer ends Sunday. Simply use code word ‘birthday’ at the...
Read moreOctober 2015
Is coffee really the enemy?
Image found on Pinterest. When is the last time you’ve woken up in the morning and thought, ‘that was the best sleep of my life?’ When was the last time that was followed by “AND my weight has been super easy to manage...
Read moreGood Food Friday: Zucchini & Quinoa Frittata
This weeks Foodie feature comes from the lovely Victoria from @_naturalnutrition_ . This nutritious (and delicious) powerhouse is a balance of good fats and protein. That can only mean one thing – hormones will most certainly will be...
Read moreThe man ‘pill’
I’ve kept a pretty tight lip around the hype that has come along with the ‘breakthrough’ of the man pill. But just this week, I’ve read an article introducing what scientists in Japan believe to have found a...
Read moreIs your messy house messing your health?
I’ve been reading the KonMari method. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s the ‘life-changing magic’ of cleaning up your house in the way that you never have to deal with clutter and mess again. Marie has a 100% success rate...
Read moreGood Food Friday: Homemade hormone therapy smoothie
Today’s recipe is one we absolute love! It’s something our friend, Fiona Harrington from @fihealthnut has whipped up to take care of our precious hormones. “When it comes to my own health, I find that I’m always...
Read moreDid you see? The 5 day re-charge challenge is ON!
You might have noticed a few changes around here. We’re pretty pumped with everything that has been going on AND extra excited to share with you today our new 5 day RE-CHARGE CHALLENGE! I’m inviting you and your loved ones to JOIN ME...
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